Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
19.42 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
8.91 ms (45.86%) |
1 |
SELECT distinct s.name, case when sl2.id is null then sl.text else sl2.text end as text, s.fix_quote FROM (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 123) sl, ui_string s left join (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 202 and text is not null and text <> '') sl2 on s.id = sl2.ui_string_id where s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
[] |
6.37 ms (32.82%) |
1 |
SELECT max(sl.datemod) FROM ui_string_language sl, ui_string s WHERE sl.language_id in (202, 123) and s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
[] |
2.75 ms (14.15%) |
1 |
select * from (SELECT distinct on (w.id) w.id as work_id, t.id as translation_id, t.url as translation_url, t.translatedtitle AS title, t.description, case when t.language_id = 202 then 1 else 2 end as lang_order, case when t.islanguagedefault then 1 else 2 end as default_order, w.swedenborgtype, wt.ordering as type_order FROM expositiontranslation t, expositionworktype wt, expositionwork w WHERE w.swedenborgtype IS NOT NULL and t.work_id=w.id and w.swedenborgtype = wt.name and t.language_id = 205'[0] and w.swedenborgtype not in ('scientific', 'transitional') and t.type_id = 1 and w.ispublic AND t.ispublic and t.url is not null and t.url <> '' order by w.id, lang_order, default_order) as w2 order by w2.type_order, w2.title
[] |
1.39 ms (7.17%) |
2 |
SELECT id FROM language WHERE shortcode = 'it' limit 1
[] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
No loaded entities.