Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
184.12 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
62.71 ms (34.06%) |
1 |
select array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT id), ',') from (SELECT distinct on (w.id) t.id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d WHERE p.id in (select ps.id FROM refexposition re, textunit_combinedreference tc, expositiontextunit ts, expositiontextunit t1, expositiontextunit t2, expositionpassage ps, expositiondivision d1, expositiondivision da, expositionpassage p1, expositionpassage p2, expositionpassage pa WHERE ts.passage_id = ps.id and ts.id = tc.textunit_id and re.container_id = tc.combinedreference_id and t1.id = re.startlocation_id and t2.id = re.endlocation_id and t1.passage_id = p1.id and t2.passage_id = p2.id and p1.division_id = d1.id and pa.id = 846 and pa.division_id = da.id and da.work_id = d1.work_id and pa.ordering >= p1.ordering and pa.ordering <= p2.ordering) and w.swedenborgtype is null and t.work_id=w.id and d.work_id = w.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.language_id in ( 123,123) and t.ispublic and w.ispublic and t.url is not null and t.url <> '' AND t.type_id = 1 order by w.id, t.islanguagedefault desc limit 1) as t
[] |
61.56 ms (33.43%) |
1 |
select array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT id), ',') from (SELECT distinct on (w.id) t.id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d WHERE p.id in (select ps.id FROM refexposition re, textunit_combinedreference tc, expositiontextunit ts, expositiontextunit t1, expositiontextunit t2, expositionpassage ps, expositiondivision d1, expositiondivision da, expositionpassage p1, expositionpassage p2, expositionpassage pa WHERE ts.passage_id = ps.id and ts.id = tc.textunit_id and re.container_id = tc.combinedreference_id and t1.id = re.startlocation_id and t2.id = re.endlocation_id and t1.passage_id = p1.id and t2.passage_id = p2.id and p1.division_id = d1.id and pa.id = 846 and pa.division_id = da.id and da.work_id = d1.work_id and pa.ordering >= p1.ordering and pa.ordering <= p2.ordering) and w.swedenborgtype is not null and t.work_id=w.id and d.work_id = w.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.language_id in ( 123,123) and t.ispublic and w.ispublic and t.url is not null and t.url <> '' AND t.type_id = 1 order by w.id, (case when t.id = 98 then 1 else 2 end), t.islanguagedefault desc limit 1 ) as t
[] |
10.11 ms (5.49%) |
1 |
SELECT 'bible_' || trans.url || '_' || cb.url || '_' || cc.ordering as link_spec, (case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 98) then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 3 else 4 end end) as priority_order, cb.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, cc.ordering as chapter_order FROM expositiontextunit t, canonicalbibleverse cv, canonicalbiblechapter cc, canonicalbiblebook cb, biblebook b, bibletranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 846 and (cv.id in (select verse_id from verse_passage where passage_id = 846 and iscorepassage) or cc.id in (select chapter_id from chapter_passage where passage_id = 846) ) and cv.chapter_id = cc.id and cc.book_id = cb.id and b.canonicalization_id = cb.id and b.translation_id = trans.id and trans.enabled order by priority_order asc, trans.languagedefault desc limit 1
[] |
8.15 ms (4.43%) |
1 |
SELECT distinct s.name, case when sl2.id is null then sl.text else sl2.text end as text, s.fix_quote FROM (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 123) sl, ui_string s left join (select * from ui_string_language where language_id = 452 and text is not null and text <> '') sl2 on s.id = sl2.ui_string_id where s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
[] |
8.02 ms (4.36%) |
1 |
select * from (SELECT distinct on (di.ref_id) di.ref_id, 'bible_' || trans.url || '_' || cb.url || '_' || cc1.ordering || (case when cc1.id <> cc2.id then '-' || cc2.ordering else '' end) || '_' || cv1.ordering || (case when rb.startverse_id <> rb.endverse_id then '-' || cv2.ordering else '' end) as multilink, true as is_bibleref, 1 as section_order, (case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 98) then 1 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 2 else 3 end end ) as priority_order, cb.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, cc1.ordering as chapter_order1, cc2.ordering as chapter_order2, cv1.ordering as verse_order1, cv2.ordering as verse_order2, trans.url as div_url, 0 as passage_order FROM refbible rb, expositiontextunit t, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem di, canonicalbibleverse cv1, canonicalbiblechapter cc1, canonicalbiblebook cb, canonicalbibleverse cv2, canonicalbiblechapter cc2, biblebook b, bibletranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 846 and t.id = tt.placement_id and rb.container_id = di.ref_id and di.container_id = tt.id and di.ref_id is not null and cv1.id = rb.startverse_id and cv1.chapter_id = cc1.id and cc1.book_id = cb.id and cv2.id = rb.endverse_id and cv2.chapter_id = cc2.id and b.canonicalization_id = cb.id and b.translation_id = trans.id and trans.enabled order by di.ref_id, priority_order asc, trans.languagedefault desc) as b union select * from (SELECT distinct on (di.ref_id) di.ref_id, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || trans.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as multilink, false as is_bibleref, t2.ordering as section_order, (case when trans.id = 98 then 1 else case when trans.language_id in (select language_id from expositiontranslation where id = 98) then 2 else case when trans.language_id = 123 then 3 else 4 end end end) as priority_order, trans.url as book_url, trans.url as trans_url, 0 as chapter_order1, 0 as chapter_order2, 0 as verse_order1, 0 as verse_order2, d.url as div_url, p.ordering as passage_order FROM refexposition re, expositiontextunit t, expositiontextunit t2, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiondisplayitem di, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation trans WHERE t.passage_id = 846 and t2.id = re.startlocation_id and p.id = t2.passage_id and d.id = p.division_id and re.container_id = di.ref_id and t.id = tt.placement_id and di.container_id = tt.id and di.ref_id is not null and d.work_id = w.id and w.id = trans.work_id and trans.url is not null and trans.ispublic and w.ispublic order by di.ref_id, priority_order asc, trans.islanguagedefault desc, trans.isoriginal desc) as e
[] |
6.07 ms (3.30%) |
1 |
SELECT max(sl.datemod) FROM ui_string_language sl, ui_string s WHERE sl.language_id in (452, 123) and s.id = sl.ui_string_id and s.is_active and s.type_id in (1, 3)
[] |
4.13 ms (2.24%) |
2 |
select tt.toc_text, wt.startpassage_id, p.swedenborgsection as startpassagenum, p2.swedenborgsection as endpassagenum, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, p.ordering as startpassageorder, p2.ordering as endpassageorder, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as link_spec from expositiontranslationtoc tt, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositiondivision d, expositionpassage p, expositionworktoc wt left join expositionpassage p2 on wt.endpassage_id = p2.id where tt.translation_id = 98 and tt.worktoc_id = wt.id and wt.startpassage_id = p.id and tt.translation_id = t.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
[] |
3.63 ms (1.97%) |
1 |
select * from (SELECT distinct on (p.id) p.id, w.swedenborgtype, t.translatedtitle AS title, (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as num, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '' end) as link_spec, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, w.ordering as work_order, p.ordering, case when t.language_id = 123 then 1 else 2 end as lang_order FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d WHERE p.id in (select distinct passage_id2 from relatedpassage WHERE passage_id1 = 846 union select distinct passage_id1 from relatedpassage WHERE passage_id2 = 846) and t.work_id=w.id and d.work_id = w.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.id in (SELECT distinct on (w.id) t.id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d WHERE p.id in (select distinct passage_id2 from relatedpassage WHERE passage_id1 = 846 union select distinct passage_id1 from relatedpassage WHERE passage_id2 = 846) and t.work_id=w.id and d.work_id = w.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.id in (SELECT distinct on (w.id) t.id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t, expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d WHERE p.id in (select distinct passage_id2 from relatedpassage WHERE passage_id1 = 846 union select distinct passage_id1 from relatedpassage WHERE passage_id2 = 846) and t.work_id=w.id and d.work_id = w.id and p.division_id = d.id and t.language_id in ( 123,123) and t.ispublic and w.ispublic and t.url is not null and t.url <> '' AND t.type_id = 1 order by w.id, t.islanguagedefault desc)) order by p.id, lang_order limit 1) as t2 order by work_order, title, ordering
[] |
1.32 ms (0.72%) |
1 |
SELECT distinct r.publicfile, r.title, r.searchsummary, case when rt.description is null then '' else rt.description || ' | ' end || case when r.minaudienceage is null and r.maxaudienceage is null then 'All Ages ' else case when r.minaudienceage is not null or r.maxaudienceage is not null then 'Ages ' else '' end end || case when r.minaudienceage is null and r.maxaudienceage is not null then 'up to ' else case when r.minaudienceage is not null and r.maxaudienceage is null then 'over ' else '' end end || case when r.minaudienceage is null then '' else r.minaudienceage || '' end || case when r.minaudienceage is not null and r.maxaudienceage is not null then ' - ' else '' end || case when r.maxaudienceage is null then '' else '' || r.maxaudienceage end as otherinfo FROM resource_workref rw, resource r left join resourcetype rt on r.resourcetype_id = rt.id WHERE rw.passage_id = 846 and r.id = rw.resource_id and r.publicfile is not null and r.publish order by r.title limit 1
[] |
1.32 ms (0.72%) |
1 |
SELECT cl.concept_id FROM work_category wc, concept_work cl, expositiontranslation t WHERE t.id = 98 and wc.category_id = 12 and wc.work_id = t.work_id and cl.work_id = t.work_id
[] |
1.25 ms (0.68%) |
1 |
SELECT id FROM language WHERE shortcode = 'uk' limit 1
[] |
1.18 ms (0.64%) |
1 |
SELECT distinct on (s.id) s.id, s.title, e.description, e.youtube_id, sr.time, s.showtype_id, e.location, case when e.youtube_id is null then 2 else 1 end as video_order, null as chapter_order, null as start_verse, null as end_verse FROM show s, embed e, show_workref sr WHERE sr.passage_id = 846 and s.id = sr.show_id and e.visibilitydefault and s.embed_id = e.id and s.showtype_id <> 18 order by s.id desc, sr.time limit 1
[] |
1.12 ms (0.61%) |
1 |
select di1.text as footnote, array_to_string(array_agg(di3.text order by di3.ordering),' ') as footnote_text from expositiondisplayitem di1, (select di2.* from expositiondisplayitem di2, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu where tu.passage_id = 846 and tt.translation_id = 98 and tu.id = tt.placement_id and di2.container_id = tt.id order by di2.ordering) as di3 where di3.containingitem_id = di1.id group by di1.text
[] |
0.90 ms (0.49%) |
1 |
SELECT p.id, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as passage_num, p.ordering as passage_order, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '_' || p.ordering end) as multi_spec FROM expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiontranslation t, expositionwork w WHERE d.work_id = 9 and p.division_id = d.id and p.ordering > 0 and tt.translation_id=98 and tt.placement_id = tu.id and tu.passage_id = p.id and t.id = tt.translation_id and d.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering limit 1
[] |
0.89 ms (0.49%) |
1 |
SELECT p.id, t.url as translation_url, d.url as division_url, (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then p.swedenborgsection else cast(p.ordering as text) end) as passage_num, p.ordering as passage_order, (case when w.swedenborgtype is not null then 'swedenborg' else 'explanation' end) || '_' || t.url || (case when p.swedenborgsection is not null then '_' || p.swedenborgsection else '_' || p.ordering end) as multi_spec FROM expositionpassage p, expositiondivision d, expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiontranslation t, expositionwork w WHERE d.work_id = 9 and p.division_id = d.id and p.ordering < 0 and tt.translation_id=98 and tt.placement_id = tu.id and tu.passage_id = p.id and t.id = tt.translation_id and d.work_id = w.id order by p.ordering desc limit 1
[] |
0.75 ms (0.41%) |
1 |
select bs.level_id, sw.story_id from story_work sw, biblestory bs, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 98 and t.work_id = sw.work_id and sw.story_id = bs.id order by bs.level_id limit 1
[] |
0.74 ms (0.40%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.url = ? AND t0.isPublic = ? LIMIT 1
[ "consummation-of-the-age-buss" 1 ] |
0.74 ms (0.40%) |
2 |
SELECT t.name FROM texttospeech t, texttospeechlanguage tl WHERE tl.language_id = 123 and t.id = tl.tts_id order by tl.is_standard desc limit 1
[] |
0.70 ms (0.38%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.recordNumber AS recordnumber_2, t0.file AS file_3, t0.title AS title_4, t0.description AS description_5, t0.author AS author_6, t0.credit AS credit_7, t0.link AS link_8, t0.date AS date_9, t0.license AS license_10, t0.width AS width_11, t0.height AS height_12, t0.language_id AS language_id_13, t0.mediatype_id AS mediatype_id_14 FROM image t0 INNER JOIN textunit_image ON t0.id = textunit_image.image_id WHERE textunit_image.textunit_id = ?
0.66 ms (0.36%) |
1 |
SELECT credit, sourcelink from bibliographicdata b, translation_bibliographicdata tb WHERE tb.translation_id = 98 and tb.bibliographicdata_id = b.id and sourcelink is not null and credit is not null
[] |
0.65 ms (0.35%) |
1 |
SELECT t.name, t.translatedtitle, (case when b.datecreated is null then '' else ' (' || b.datecreated || ')' end) as datestr, w.title as work_title, t.isoriginal, t.language_id FROM language l, expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t left join (select tb.translation_id, b.datecreated from bibliographicdata b, translation_bibliographicdata tb where b.id = tb.bibliographicdata_id) as b on t.id = b.translation_id WHERE t.id = 98 and t.work_id = w.id and t.language_id = l.id
[] |
0.58 ms (0.31%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.passage_id AS passage_id_3, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_4 FROM passage_media t0 WHERE t0.passage_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.58 ms (0.31%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.text AS text_2, t0.textVector AS textvector_3, t0.translation_id AS translation_id_4, t0.placement_id AS placement_id_5 FROM expositiontranslationtext t0 WHERE t0.placement_id = ?
0.55 ms (0.30%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_4, t0.level_id AS level_id_5, t0.startVerse_id AS startverse_id_6, t0.endVerse_id AS endverse_id_7, t0.chapter_id AS chapter_id_8 FROM biblestory t0 INNER JOIN story_work ON t0.id = story_work.story_id WHERE story_work.work_id = ?
0.53 ms (0.29%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.ordering AS ordering_4, t0.work_id AS work_id_5, t0.superdivision_id AS superdivision_id_6 FROM expositiondivision t0 WHERE t0.work_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.45 ms (0.25%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.fullTitle AS fulltitle_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.swedenborgType AS swedenborgtype_8 FROM expositionwork t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.44 ms (0.24%) |
1 |
select shortcode, (case when nativename is not null and nativename <> '' then nativename else name end) as name FROM language where shortcode in ('en','sq','bg','zh','hr','cs','nl','fr','ka','de','hi','it','ja','ko','la','mk','ml','me','pt','ru','sr','es','sv','tl','uk','zu')
[] |
0.44 ms (0.24%) |
1 |
select array_to_string(array_agg(d.text ORDER BY tu.ordering, d.ordering),'') as content from expositiontranslationtext tt, expositiontextunit tu, expositiondisplayitem d where tu.passage_id = 846 and tt.translation_id = 98 and tu.id = tt.placement_id and d.container_id = tt.id
[] |
0.43 ms (0.23%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.swedenborgSection AS swedenborgsection_4, t0.division_id AS division_id_5 FROM expositionpassage t0 WHERE t0.division_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.42 ms (0.23%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.indexPage AS indexpage_5 FROM expositioncategory t0 INNER JOIN work_category ON t0.id = work_category.category_id WHERE work_category.work_id = ?
0.38 ms (0.20%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.translatedTitle AS translatedtitle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.url AS url_5, t0.isPublic AS ispublic_6, t0.audience AS audience_7, t0.isOriginal AS isoriginal_8, t0.isLanguageDefault AS islanguagedefault_9, t0.type_id AS type_id_10, t0.translationmethod_id AS translationmethod_id_11, t0.public_file AS public_file_12, t0.doc_link AS doc_link_13, t0.work_id AS work_id_14, t0.language_id AS language_id_15 FROM expositiontranslation t0 WHERE t0.work_id = ?
0.37 ms (0.20%) |
1 |
select case when w.swedenborgtype is null then false else true end as sw from expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 98 and t.work_id = w.id
[] |
0.36 ms (0.20%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.subsection AS subsection_3, t0.passage_id AS passage_id_4 FROM expositiontextunit t0 WHERE t0.passage_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.35 ms (0.19%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.url AS url_4, t0.indexPage AS indexpage_5 FROM expositioncategory t0 INNER JOIN translation_category ON t0.id = translation_category.category_id WHERE translation_category.translation_id = ?
0.30 ms (0.16%) |
1 |
SELECT w.book_id FROM expositionwork w, expositiontranslation t where t.id = 98 and t.work_id = w.id limit 1
[] |
0.29 ms (0.16%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.siteDefault AS sitedefault_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.frenchName AS frenchname_4, t0.nativeName AS nativename_5, t0.bibliographicCode AS bibliographiccode_6, t0.terminologicCode AS terminologiccode_7, t0.shortCode AS shortcode_8, t0.rightToLeft AS righttoleft_9, t0.searchLibrary AS searchlibrary_10 FROM language t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
0.27 ms (0.15%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.container_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.26 ms (0.14%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ordering AS ordering_2, t0.flags AS flags_3, t0.searchable AS searchable_4, t0.text AS text_5, t0.type_id AS type_id_6, t0.container_id AS container_id_7, t0.containingItem_id AS containingitem_id_8, t0.ref_id AS ref_id_9, t0.image_id AS image_id_10, t0.embed_id AS embed_id_11 FROM expositiondisplayitem t0 WHERE t0.containingItem_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.20 ms (0.11%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.ordering AS ordering_4, t0.work_id AS work_id_5, t0.superdivision_id AS superdivision_id_6 FROM expositiondivision t0 WHERE t0.superdivision_id = ? ORDER BY t0.ordering ASC
0.17 ms (0.09%) |
1 |
select text from ui_string_language where ui_string_id = 469 and language_id = 123
[] |
0.16 ms (0.09%) |
1 |
SELECT text_style_override FROM language WHERE id = 123
[] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Translation | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Work | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Language | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bibliographic\BibliographicData | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Category | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Stories\Story | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Division | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\Passage | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\TextUnit | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Relation\PassageMedia | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\TranslationText | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Reference\CombinedReference | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Media\Image | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Exposition\DisplayItem | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Canonical\Verse | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Bible\Canonical\Chapter | No errors. |
NCBS\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Media\Embed | No errors. |