{% set sLinkTarget = "" %}
{% if bInFrame %}
{% set sLinkTarget = " target=_top " %}
{% endif %}
{# Previous chapter link #}
{% if prev_chapter_explanation is defined and prev_chapter_explanation is not empty %}
{% set sPrevTitle = prev_chapter_explanation.title %}
{% set href = path('exposition_translation', {'translationUrl': prev_chapter_explanation.url}) %}
<a class="nav_link" href="{{ href }}" {{ sLinkTarget }} alt="← {{ sPrevTitle }}" title= "← {{ sPrevTitle }}"><i class="fa-duotone fa-circle-arrow-left" style="--fa-secondary-opacity: 0.3;"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{# Next chapter link #}
{% if next_chapter_explanation is defined and next_chapter_explanation is not empty %}
{% set sNextTitle = next_chapter_explanation.title %}
{% set href = path('exposition_translation', {'translationUrl': next_chapter_explanation.url}) %}
<a class="nav_link" style="padding-left:5px;" href="{{ href }}" {{ sLinkTarget }} alt="{{ sNextTitle }} →" title="{{ sNextTitle }} →"><i class="fa-duotone fa-circle-arrow-right" style="--fa-secondary-opacity: 0.3;"></i></a>
{% endif %}