{% set nColNum = 0 %}
{% if column_num is defined %}
{% set nColNum = column_num %}
{% endif %}
{% if book is defined and book is not null %}
{% set sBookName = book.name %}
{% else %}
{% set sBookName = book_display_name %}
{% endif %}
{% set sTranslationName = '' %}
{% set sTranslationUrl = '' %}
{% if from_menu is not defined %}
{% if translation is defined and translation is not null %}
{% set sTranslationName = translation.name %}
{% set sTranslationUrl = translation.url %}
{% elseif nColNum == 1 and translation1 is defined and translation1 is not null %}
{% set sTranslationName = translation1.name %}
{% set sTranslationUrl = translation1.url %}
{% elseif nColNum == 2 and translation2 is defined and translation2 is not null %}
{% set sTranslationName = translation2.name %}
{% set sTranslationUrl = translation2.url %}
{% elseif nColNum == 3 and translation3 is defined and translation3 is not null %}
{% set sTranslationName = translation3.name %}
{% set sTranslationUrl = translation3.url %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set sParam = multicolumn_route_params|join(';;') %}
{% set sUrlEnd = '?multi='~sParam~'&col='~nColNum %}
{% if sTranslationName != '' %}
{% set sUrlEnd = sUrlEnd~'&translation='~sTranslationName|url_encode %}
{% endif %}
{% set sUrlEnd = sUrlEnd~'&ti='~nColNum %}
{#% include 'NCBSWBundle:Bible:interface/popup/translation_section_frombook.html.twig' %#}
{% set sUrl = path('select_bible_book', {'translationUrl': sTranslationUrl,'translationUrl2': '-none-','translationUrl3': '-none-'}) ~ sUrlEnd %}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link" style="font-weight:400;" onclick='openNav("{{ sBookName }}","{{ sUrl }}")'>
{% if sBookName != '' %}
{{ sBookName }} <i class="fas fa-angle-down"></i>
{% endif %}