{% set bExplainedVerses = explained_verse is defined and explained_verse is not empty %}
{% set bSingleVersePage = false %}
{% if content_type is defined and content_type == 'single_verse' %}
{% set bSingleVersePage = true %}
{% endif %}
{% set bStoryText = (content_class is defined and content_class == 'storytext' and story.explanations is not empty) %}
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<a id="close-menu-button{{ nCol }}" ><button class="close close-sidr" title="close study window"><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></button></a> <i class="fas fa-layer-group"></i> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["bible.button.innermeaning"]|raw }}
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$(document).ready(function () {
$('#simple-menu{{ nCol }}').sidr({
name: 'sidr{{ nCol }}',
timing: 'ease-in-out',
speed: '400',
side: 'right',
displace: false
$('#close-menu-button{{ nCol }}').click(function () {
$.sidr('close', 'sidr{{ nCol }}');
if($('body') != null)
$('body').on('click', function (e) {
if ($(e.target).attr('id') != 'simple-menu{{ nCol }}' && $(e.target).parents('.slider').length == 0)
$.sidr('close', 'sidr{{ nCol }}');
$( document ).ready(function() {
showElemByID("sidr{{ nCol }}");
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