{% set bStoryText = (content_class is defined and content_class == 'storytext' and story.explanations is not empty) %}
{% if (has_slider_item is defined and has_slider_item) or (qbible_link is defined and qbible_link is not empty) or (commentary_with_doc is defined and commentary_with_doc is not empty) or bStoryText %}
{% set nCol = '0' %}
{% if column_num is defined %}
{% set nCol = column_num %}
{% endif %}
{% set class_name = "sidrbutton" %}
{% if multicolumn is defined %}
{% set class_name = "sidrbutton" %}
{% endif %}
{% set sUrlEnd = "?col="~nCol %}
{% if bInFrame %}
{% set sUrlEnd = sUrlEnd~"&frame=1" %}
{% endif %}
{% if multicolumn_route_params is defined and multicolumn_route_params is not empty %}
{% set sUrlEnd = sUrlEnd~"&m1="~multicolumn_route_params.column1Details~"&m2="~multicolumn_route_params.column2Details %}
{% if columns[2]['column_type'] == 'exposition' and columns[2]['translation'] is defined and columns[2]['translation'].work.swedenborgType is not null %}
{% set sUrlEnd = sUrlEnd~"&c2sw=1" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if plan_step is defined %}
{% set sUrlEnd = sUrlEnd~"&rp=1" %}
{% endif %}
{% set sSliderUrl = slider_url~sUrlEnd %}
<p class="{{ class_name }}"><a class="btn btn-slider btn-sm" href='javascript:onOpenBibleSlider("simple-menu{{ nCol }}","{{ sSliderUrl }}",{{ nCol }})'><i class="fas fa-arrow-left"></i> <i class="fas fa-layer-group"></i> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["bible.button.study"]|raw }}</a></p><a id="simple-menu{{ nCol }}" href="#sidr{{ nCol }}" style="display:none" ></a>
aSliderUrl[{{ nCol }}] = "{{ sSliderUrl }}";
{% endif %}