{% if language is not defined or language is null %}
{% set language = verse.findMainVerse().chapter.book.translation.language %}
{% endif %}
{% set bForSearch = false %}
{% if for_search is defined %}
{% set bForSearch = for_search %}
{% endif %}
{% set bReadingPlanStep = false %}
{% if plan_step is defined %}
{% set bReadingPlanStep = true %}
{% endif %}
{% autoescape false %}
<span class="verse" {{ text_style|trim|raw }} id="c{{ verse.findMainVerse().chapter.ordering }}-v{{ verse.getFullIndexDisplay() }}">
<sup class="verse-link">
{% if bReadingPlanStep %}
{{ verse.getFullIndexDisplay() }}
{% else %}
{% if in_frame is defined and in_frame %}
href="javascript:top.loadframe('{{ path('bible_frame_explanation_verse', {'translationUrl': translation_url, 'bookUrl': book_url, 'chapterIndex': chapter_index, 'verseIndex': verse.getFullIndexDisplay()}) }}', 'col2');"
{% elseif multicolumn is defined and multicolumn %}
href="{{ path(multicolumn_path, multicolumn_route_params|merge({('column'~column_num~'Details'): column_replace_uri(verse)}) ) }}"
{% elseif translation3 is defined and translation3 is not null %}
{% set display_target = verse.canonicalization|first %}
href="{{ path('bible_compare_verse_3col', {
'translationUrl1': translation1.url,
'translationUrl2': translation2.url,
'translationUrl3': translation3.url,
'bookUrl': display_target.chapter.book.url,
'chapterStartIndex': display_target.chapter.ordering,
'verseStartIndex': display_target.ordering
}) }}"
{% elseif translation2 is defined %}
{% set display_target = verse.canonicalization|first %}
href="{{ path('bible_compare_verse', {
'translationUrl1': translation1.url,
'translationUrl2': translation2.url,
'bookUrl': display_target.chapter.book.url,
'chapterStartIndex': display_target.chapter.ordering,
'verseStartIndex': display_target.ordering
}) }}"
{% else %}
href="{{ uri(verse)|split('/-')|first }}"
{% endif %}
>{{ verse.getFullIndexDisplay() }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if verses_concept is defined and verses_concept is not null %}
{% if verses_concept[verse.id] is defined %}
{{ verses_concept[verse.id] }}
{% else %}
{% if bForSearch %}
{{ verse.getContent() }}
{% else %}
{{ verse.getContentForSearch() }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if bForSearch %}
{{ verse.getContent() }}
{% else %}
{{ verse.getContentForSearch() }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if verse_breaks is not defined or verse_breaks %}<br />{% endif %}
{% endautoescape %}