{% set nColNum = 0 %}
{% if column_num is defined %}
{% set nColNum = column_num %}
{% endif %}
{% set sLink = '' %}
{% if explanation_translation_id_to_edit is defined and explanation_translation_id_to_edit is not null %}
{% set sLink = path("editexplanation", {'translationID': explanation_translation_id_to_edit}) %}
{% elseif work_translation_id_to_edit is defined and work_translation_id_to_edit is not null and work_passage_num_to_edit is defined %}
{% set sLink = path("editwork", {'translationID': work_translation_id_to_edit, 'passageNumber': work_passage_num_to_edit }) %}
{% endif %}
{% if sLink != '' %}
<li class="nav-item"><a href="javascript:openWin('{{ sLink }}',screen.width/2,screen.height/1.2,screen.width/2,20);" alt="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.editicon"] }}" title="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.editicon"] }}" class="nav-link">{% if nColNum >= 2 %}<span class="mobile-hide">| </span>{% endif %}<i class="far fa-pen-to-square"></i><span class="mobile-only"> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.editicon"] }}</span></a></li>
{% endif %}