{% if use_quickview is defined and use_quickview %}
href="#" onclick="return loadQuickview('{{ path('quickview_exposition_translation_passage', {'translationId': translation.id, 'passageId': target_passage.id}) }}{% if compare_to is defined and compare_to is not null %}?compareTo={{ compare_to.id }}{% endif %}');"
{% elseif multicolumn is defined and multicolumn == true %}
href="{{ path(multicolumn_path, multicolumn_route_params|merge({('column'~column_num~'Details'): target_passage.multi_spec}) ) }}"
{% else %}
{% if bInFrame %}
href="{{ path('exposition_frame_passage', {'translationUrl': target_passage.translation_url, 'divisionUrls': target_passage.division_url, 'passageNumber': target_passage.passage_order})}}"
{% else %}
href="{{ path('exposition_translation_division_passage', {'translationUrl': target_passage.translation_url, 'divisionUrls': target_passage.division_url, 'passageNumber': target_passage.passage_order})}}{% if compare_to is defined and compare_to is not null %}?compareTo={{ compare_to.url }}{% endif %}{% if compare_to2 is defined and compare_to2 is not null %};;{{ compare_to2.url }}{% endif %}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}