src/NCBS/WebsiteBundle/Resources/views/Exposition/passage_view.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% if bInFrame %}
  2.     {% set aParam = app.request.query.all %} 
  4.     <script>    
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  26.     </script>
  27. {% endif %}
  28. {% if (translation is not defined or translation is null) and passage is defined and passage is not null %}
  29.   {% if work is not defined %}
  30.     {% set work = passage.findWork() %}
  31.   {% endif %}
  32.   {% set translation = work.selectTranslation() %}
  33. {% endif %}
  34. {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Bible:chapter/prev-next-explanation.html.twig' %}
  35. {% if plan_step is not defined %}
  36.     {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_links.html.twig' with {'link_position': '1'} %}
  37. {% endif %}
  38. {% if work is defined and work is not null and work.stories is not empty %}
  39.   {% set story = work.stories|first %}
  40. {% endif %}
  41. {% if story is defined and story is not null and story.illustrations is not empty %}
  42.   {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Media:image_tag.html.twig' with {'image_entity': random(story.illustrations).image, 'border': 1} %}
  43.   <br><br>
  44. {% endif %}
  45. {% set text_style = '' %}
  46. {% if text_style_override is defined and text_style_override is not null %}
  47.     {% set text_style = 'style="'~text_style_override|replace({'"':"'"})~'"' %}
  48. {% endif %} 
  49. {% if compare_to is not defined or compare_to is null or compare_to == translation %}
  50.     <div style="clear:both;"></div>
  51. {% if bInFrame %}
  52.     <div style="height: 500px; overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: auto;">
  53. {% endif %}     
  54.   {% if (image is defined and image is not null) or (passage is defined and passage is not null and is not empty) %}      
  55.     <div class="row">
  56.       <div class="col-md-4" id="media-column">      
  57.         {% if image is defined and image is not null %}
  58.           {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Media:image_tag.html.twig' with {'image_entity': image, 'border': 1} %}
  59.           <br /><br />
  60.         {% endif %}
  61.         {% for media_item in %}
  62.         <p></p>
  63.           {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Media:embed_iframe.html.twig' with {'embed_entity': media_item.embed} %}
  64.         {% endfor %}
  65.       </div>
  66.       <div class="col-md-8 text-content" {{ text_style|trim|raw }}>
  67.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' %}
  68.       </div>
  69.     </div>
  70.   {% else %}      
  71.     <div class="text-content" {{ text_style|trim|raw }}>
  72.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' %}
  73.     </div>
  74.   {% endif %}
  75.   {% if bInFrame %}
  76.           </div>
  77.   {% endif %}
  78. {% elseif compare_to2 is not defined or compare_to2 is null %}
  79.   <div class="row">
  80.     <div class="col-md-6">
  81.       <h3>
  82.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:close_icon.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 1 } %} 
  83.       {{ translation.getNameOrTitle() }}{% if translation.isOriginal %} {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["exposition.translate.mark.original"] }}{% endif %}
  84.       </h3>
  85.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarstart.html.twig' %}
  86.        <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ path('exposition_translation_index', {'translationUrl': translation.getUrl()}) }}" title="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}" class="nav-link"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><span class="mobile-only"> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}</span></a></li> {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:text_to_speech.html.twig' with {'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech1, 'column_num' : 1 } %}    
  87.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:related_bible_ref.html.twig' %}
  88.       {% if translation.getLanguage().getId() == 246 %}
  89.           {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:show_scan_image.html.twig' %}  
  90.       {% endif %}
  91.        {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:askquestioninc.html.twig' %}    
  92.        {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarend.html.twig' %}    
  94.       <br />
  95.       <div class="text-content" {{ text_style|trim|raw }}>      
  96.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 1 } %}
  97.       </div>
  98.     </div>
  99.     <div class="col-md-6">
  100.       <h3>
  101.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:close_icon.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 2 } %}       
  102.       {{ compare_to.getNameOrTitle() }}{% if compare_to.isOriginal %} {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["exposition.translate.mark.original"] }}{% endif %}
  103.       </h3>
  104.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarstart.html.twig' %}
  105.       <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ path('exposition_translation_index', {'translationUrl': compare_to.getUrl()}) }}" title="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}" class="nav-link"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><span class="mobile-only"> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}</span></a></li> {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:text_to_speech.html.twig' with {'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech2, 'column_num' : 2 } %}
  106.       {% if compare_to.getLanguage().getId() == 246 %}
  107.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:show_scan_image.html.twig' %}
  108.       {% endif %}
  109.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:askquestioninc.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 2 } %}
  110.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarend.html.twig' %}
  112.       <br />
  113.       {% set text_style_compare_to = '' %}
  114.         {% if text_style_override_compare_to is defined and text_style_override_compare_to is not null %}
  115.             {% set text_style_compare_to = 'style="'~text_style_override_compare_to|replace({'"':"'"})~'"' %}
  116.         {% endif %}
  117.       <div class="text-content" {{ text_style_compare_to|trim|raw }}>
  118.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' with {'translation': compare_to, 'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech2, 'column_num' : 2} %}        
  119.       </div>
  120.     </div>
  121.   </div>
  122. {% else %}
  123.   <div class="row">
  124.     <div class="col-md-4">
  125.       <h3>
  126.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:close_icon.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 1 } %}        
  127.       {{ translation.getNameOrTitle() }}{% if translation.isOriginal %} {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["exposition.translate.mark.original"] }}{% endif %}
  128.        </h3>
  129.        {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarstart.html.twig' %}
  130.        <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ path('exposition_translation_index', {'translationUrl': translation.getUrl()}) }}" title="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}" class="nav-link"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><span class="mobile-only"> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}</span></a></li> {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:text_to_speech.html.twig' with {'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech1, 'column_num' : 1 } %}
  131.        {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:related_bible_ref.html.twig' %}
  132.        {% if translation.getLanguage().getId() == 246 %}
  133.             {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:show_scan_image.html.twig' %}
  134.        {% endif %}
  135.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:askquestioninc.html.twig' %}
  136.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarend.html.twig' %}
  138.       <br />
  139.       <div class="text-content" {{ text_style|trim|raw }}>
  140.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 1 } %}
  141.       </div>
  142.     </div>
  143.     <div class="col-md-4">
  144.       <h3>
  145.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:close_icon.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 2 } %}       
  146.       {{ compare_to.getNameOrTitle() }}{% if compare_to.isOriginal %} {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["exposition.translate.mark.original"] }}{% endif %} 
  147.        </h3>
  148.        {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarstart.html.twig' %}
  149.        <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ path('exposition_translation_index', {'translationUrl': compare_to.getUrl()}) }}" title="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}" class="nav-link"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><span class="mobile-only"> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}</span></a></li> {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:text_to_speech.html.twig' with {'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech2, 'column_num' : 2 } %}
  150.        {% if compare_to.getLanguage().getId() == 246 %}
  151.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:show_scan_image.html.twig' %}
  152.       {% endif %}
  153.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:askquestioninc.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 2 } %}
  154.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarend.html.twig' %}
  156.       <br />
  157.       {% set text_style_compare_to = '' %}
  158.         {% if text_style_override_compare_to is defined and text_style_override_compare_to is not null %}
  159.             {% set text_style_compare_to = 'style="'~text_style_override_compare_to|replace({'"':"'"})~'"' %}
  160.         {% endif %}
  161.       <div class="text-content" {{ text_style_compare_to|trim|raw }}>
  162.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' with {'translation': compare_to, 'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech2, 'column_num' : 2 } %}
  163.       </div>
  164.     </div>
  165.     {% set text_style_compare_to2 = '' %}
  166.     {% if text_style_override_compare_to2 is defined and text_style_override_compare_to2 is not null %}
  167.         {% set text_style_compare_to2 = 'style="'~text_style_override_compare_to2|replace({'"':"'"})~'"' %}
  168.     {% endif %}
  169.     <div class="col-md-4">
  170.       <h3>
  171.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:close_icon.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 3 } %}       
  172.       {{ compare_to2.getNameOrTitle() }}{% if compare_to2.isOriginal %} {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["exposition.translate.mark.original"] }}{% endif %} 
  173.        </h3>
  174.        {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarstart.html.twig' %}
  175.        <li class="nav-item"><a href="{{ path('exposition_translation_index', {'translationUrl': compare_to2.getUrl()}) }}" title="{{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}" class="nav-link"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><span class="mobile-only"> {{ app.session.get('ui_str')["generic.bibliographyicon"] }}</span></a></li> {% include 'NCBSWBundle:General:text_to_speech.html.twig' with {'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech3, 'column_num' : 3 } %}
  176.        {% if compare_to2.getLanguage().getId() == 246 %}
  177.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:show_scan_image.html.twig' %}
  178.       {% endif %}
  179.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:askquestioninc.html.twig' with {'column_num' : 3 } %}
  180.       {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Default:toolbarend.html.twig' %}
  182.       <br />
  183.       <div class="text-content" {{ text_style_compare_to2|trim|raw }}>
  184.         {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_text.html.twig' with {'translation': compare_to2, 'text_to_speech' : text_to_speech3, 'column_num' : 3 } %}
  185.       </div>
  186.     </div>
  187.   </div>
  188. {% endif %}
  189. {% if story is defined and story is not null %}
  190.   {% set embed_options = story.getMultimedia() %}
  191.   {% for embed_entity in embed_options %}
  192.     {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Media:embed_iframe.html.twig' %}
  193.   {% endfor %}
  194. {% endif %}
  195. {% if plan_step is not defined %}
  196.     {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:passage_links.html.twig' with {'link_position': '2'} %}
  197. {% else %}    
  198.     {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Exposition:sidrw.html.twig' %}
  199. {% endif %}
  200. {% include 'NCBSWBundle:Bible:chapter/prev-next-explanation.html.twig' %}