5. E
Eagle [aquila]. Flying eagles signify knowledges and thence under standing, shown n. 244, also understanding perverted, from knowledges of what is false, shown n. 244.
Ear [auris]. See to Hear.
Earth [terra]. The earth signifies the church, shown n. 285, 902. The earth signifies the church with those who are in its internals and are called clergy, and the sea, the church among those who are in its externals, and are called laity, shown n. 398, 402, 470, 567, 594, 677, 680; the Sea. The earth also signifies damnation, which takes place with them among whom the church is perverted destroyed, shown 285. In the spiritual world there are earths as well as in the natural world; but the latter are from a natural origin, whereas the former are from a spiritual origin, n. 260, 331, 865. The heavens are expanses, and in each expanse the earth is under the feet, n. 260. Who are meant by those who are under the earth, n. 260. Concerning the inferior earth, see Spiritual World. The earths in the spiritual world are changed according to the evils and falsities of those who dwell upon them, and that earthquakes happen, n. 331, 515. That hence earthquakes signify changes of the state of the church, shown n. 331, illustrated n. 396. That a great earthquake such as was not before signifies overturning of all things belonging to the church, illustrated and shown n. 711.
Earthquake [terrae motus]. See Earth.
Eat, to [edere]. To eat signifies to appropriate to himself, n. 89. What is signified by eating the flesh of another, n. 748. See Flesh.
Egypt [Aegyptus]. Egypt signifies the natural man in conjunction with the spiritual and in such case the affection of truth shown n. 503. Egypt, in the opposite sense, signifies the natural man separated from the spiritual, and in that case insanity in spiritual things, shown n. 503. The reason whereof is because the Egyptians cultivated the science of correspondences, whence came their hieroglyphics, which science they afterwards turned into magic, and made it idolatrous, n. 503, toward the end. The miracles in Egypt recounted, n. 503. All those things signified the falsities and evils of the church, n. 339.
Elder [senex, seniores]. The four-and-twenty elders signify all the truths and goods of the church in heaven and in earth, illustrated 233, 251. They signify the heavens, n. 521. In particular, the higher heavens, n. 275, 808.
Election [electio]. By the chosen or elect are meant they who are with the Lord, who are not elected by predestination, n. 744. Who are meant by the called, the chosen, and the faithful, n. 744. See Church.
Elijah and Elisha. Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord as to the Word, illustrated n. 298, 437.
Empty [vacuum]. Man is said to be empty when there is nothing but falsities and evils in him n. 160.
Enchantment [incantatio]. See Incantation.
Endurance [tolerantia]. Endurance signifies study and labor, n. 129. The word of endurance signifies spiritual combat, which is temptation, n. 185.
English [Angli]. A conversation of certain Englishmen with two angels concerning the understanding of man in spiritual things concerning God, the immortality of the soul, regeneration, baptism, and the holy supper, illustrated n. 224. Concerning the English clergy ascending into a society of the higher heavens, and of their discourse there on a certain time with their king, about the Lord and about charity; and after their descent, of their discourse with others of the clergy about unanimity and concord, illustrated n. 341. Concerning a paper sent down from heaven to a society of English, and sent back by two bishops there, and of a discourse afterwards with those bishops concerning the church and religion at this day, illustrated n. 675. Of the small works published in London concerning the new Jerusalem, rejected by the English bishops; and concerning the dominion which they affect, illustrated n. 716.
Ephesus [Ephesus]. By the church of Ephesus are meant those who primarily respect truths of doctrine and not goods of life, n. 73.
Ephraim [Ephraim]. See Manasses.
Evening [vespera]. Evening signifies the last time of the old church; and morning, the first time or commencement of the new church, shown n. 151. The Lord instituted the holy supper, because the evening, in which the supper took place, signifies the last time and state of the church, n. 219, illustrated n. 816.
Evil [malum]. Evil is the devil, n. 890. There is evil of falsity and falsity of evil, concerning which, n. 379, 382. They who confirm evil in themselves perish, n. 872. The evil which appears to man, contains innumerable lusts in simultaneous order, illustrated n. 678. See Repentance. Evil is attributed to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, and this is from appearance, n. 494, 498. 714. After death, goods and truths are taken away from the evil, and evils and falsities from the good, illustrated n. 948.
Euphrates [Euphrates]. Euphrates signifies rational things bordering upon or bounding the spiritual things of the church, illustrated n. 444. It signifies interior reasoning, n. 699. It signifies reasoning full of falsities and thence insanities, shown n. 444.
External [externum]. The ultimate is the container and complex of all things prior, n. 438, toward the end. All spiritual power consists in truths in the ultimates, n. 148. What is in the inmost is in all things around, illustrated n. 933. The church in the heavens and the church on the earths make one, like the internal and external in man, n. 486.
Extreme [extremum]. In the ultimates or extreme outmosts is the simultaneous order of the successives, illustrated n. 678. See Order.
Eye [oculus]. Eye signifies the understanding, n. 25, shown n. 48. Eye, when spoken of the Lord, signifies Divine wisdom, omniscience, and providence, shown n. 48, 240, 271. What is signified by the eyes of the cherubim, n. 240, 246.
Eye Salve [collyrium]. It signifies a medicine whereby the understanding is healed. n. 214.