Toto je překlad: Experientiae Spirituales - Verbum Explicatum od Swedenborg, Emanuel
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Přeloženo do English
This work dates from early in Swedenborg's transition from scientist to theologian. It's interesting; this shows his initial effort to explain the internal meaning of the Word.
O tomto překladu:
This work dates from early in Swedenborg's transition from scientist to theologian. It's interesting; this shows his initial effort to explain the internal meaning of the Word.
Datum vytvoření: 1998
Kredit: Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.
Autorská práva: Academy of the New Church
Copyright by the Academy of the New Church. All rights reserved.
Licence: Used with permission - viz podmínky
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Publikační údaje:
Publikováno: 1998 v Bryn Athyn, PA, USA od Academy of the New Church jako součást 'Spiritual Experiences, Volume 1