This is a translation of: Experientiae Spirituales (Minor), by Swedenborg, Emanuel
The original work was not published by its author.
Translated into English
This is a sub-set of "Spiritual Experiences", sometimes called "minor" because Swedenborg used a smaller-sized diary on a publishing journey to Amsterdam. It starts at section number 4545, and extends to 4792.
About this translation:
This is a sub-set of "Spiritual Experiences", sometimes called "minor" because Swedenborg used a smaller-sized diary on a publishing journey to Amsterdam.
Date of creation: 1902
Credit: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.
Copyright: Swedenborg Society
All rights reserved by the publisher.
License: Used with permission - see terms
About: This is a translation of Swedenborg's personal record of some of his spiritual experiences.
Obtained from: