Ovo je prijevod: Index 2 - Rerum in Apocalypsi Revelata, od Swedenborg, Emanuel
Izvorno djelo autor nije objavio.
Prevedeno na English
This is the fair copy, or second draft, of an index that Swedenborg made to his work, "Apocalypse Revealed".
O ovom prijevodu:
This is an index to Swedenborg's work, "Apocalypse Revealed", translated from Latin to English by Rev. John Whitehead.
Datum nastanka: 1911-1912
Kreditna: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.
Autorska prava: Swedenborg Foundation
Copyright by the Swedenborg Foundation, West Chester, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.
Licenca: Used with permission - vidjeti uvjete
Primljeno od: https://swedenborg.com/
Podaci o objavi:
Objavljeno: 1911-1912 u New York, NY, USA po Swedenborg Foundation