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Hebrew OT: BHS (Consonants Only)

De Heilige Bijbel

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Copyright / Naamsvermelding: Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) at University of Pennsylvania

Hebrew OT: BHS (Consonants & Vowels)
BHS* Hebrew Bible (Leningrad Codex) in Unicode
With Ketib & Qere
*Corrections of the BHS marked with asterix – typographical errors, corrected towards Leningrad Codex

Credits: CCAT & Tyndale House
This ASCII text was prepared by Robert Kraft and Emanuel Tov under the umbrella of CCAT (University of Pennsylvania) - see the history of this project at
The original text is found at

David Instone-Brewer of Tyndale House converted the CCAT text to Unicode and added both the Hebrew and English versification.

Most electronic versions of the BHS can be traced back to the CCAT project, though often this is not acknowledged. The CCAT text is copyright, and made available for scholarly non-commercial use, subject to each user acknowledging their agreement with the terms and conditions.

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Text(s) obtained:
Parallel MT/LXX from CCAT, and MBHS via the Oxford Text Archive.
Converted to Unicode with Eng/Heb versification by David Instone-Brewer, 2005.

OXFORD TEXT ARCHIVE: Bible. O.T. Hebrew (bibl0525) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
[Electronic resource] : (Michigan-Claremont text)
Eds: Kittel, Rudolf, 1853-1929 Alt, Albrecht, 1883-1956 Eissfeldt, Otto, 1887- Kahle, Paul, 1875-1964 Elliger, Karl, 1901-1977 Rudolph, Wilhelm, 1891-
Creation of machine-readable version: Whitaker, Richard E. Parunak, H. Van Dyke Rev. ed. / Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies (Project)
DISTRIBUTOR: Oxford Text Archive Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN,
AVAILABILITY STATUS='FREE': Freely available for non-commercial use provided that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed. From the printed Code manual deposited with the electronic text: ""The project was made possible ... by the gracious release granted by the Deutsche Bibelstiftung, Stuttgart, publishers of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.""
Coded transliteration of printed version: "The Hebrew text used in the [Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies (CATSS)] project was encoded under the direction of Richard Whitaker (Claremont Institute for Antiquity and Christianity) and H. Van Dyke Parunak (University of Michigan Computer Center) ... and has been corrected by the Jerusalem team with the aid of the Maredsous Data Bank"--Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies (CATSS). vol. 1. p. 8. This revised edition overseen by Emanuel Tov and Robert A. Kraft Publication based on this text: Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies (CATSS) / project directors, Robert A. Kraft [and] Emanuel Tov. -- Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, 1986- . -- (Society of Biblical Literature. Septuagint and cognate studies series ; no. 20). -- Contents: Vol. 1. Ruth / [by] John R. Abercrombie, William Adler, Robert A. Kraft [and] Emanuel Tov. -- ISBN 0-89130-978-0 (v. 1 : alk. paper). -- ISBN 0-89130-979-9 (v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper).
Transcribed from: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eissfeldt, P. Kahle ediderat R. Kittel / editio funditus renovata, adjuvantibus H. Bardtke ... [et al.] cooperantibus H.P. Rüger et J. Ziegler ; ediderunt K. Elliger et W. Rudolph ; textum Masoreticum curavit H.P. Rüger, Masoram elaboravit G.E. Weil. -- Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1977. -- Prolegomena in German, English, French, Spanish and Latin. -- Added title and text in Hebrew: Torah, Neviim u-Khetuvim. -- ISBN 3-43805218-0. The aim of this project was to produce the first complete machine-readable Old Testament text in the public domain

Licentie — See the CCAT license description above.