Ово је оригинални текст: Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra од Swedenborg, Emanuel
This short work offers a well-structured explanation of how God reveals truths to us via the written Word and how the Old and New Testaments are written by means of correspondences between spiritual and natural things. The literal stories of the Word are important and sacred because they do contain inner layers of meaning.
О овом преводу:
Verbum litteralis sacrum est, quia in hoc habet sensum internum. Vetus et Novum Testamentum secundum correspondentias scriptsi sunt inter spiritualia et naturalia.
Креирао или превео: Swedenborg, Emanuel
Датум креирања: 1763
Лиценца: Public domain
Добијено из: http://heavenlydoctrines.org