Justification (Duckworth translation)

Detta är en översättning av: De Justificatione av Swedenborg, Emanuel

Originalet av detta verk var ursprungligen inte utgivet av denna författare.

Översatt till English


In this short draft, Swedenborg outlines the Catholic Church's doctrine about justification (which he disagreed with). Summary points are filled in with details from official Council of Trent documents.

Om denna översättning:

In this short draft, Swedenborg outlines the Catholic Church's doctrine about justification (which he disagreed with). Summary points are filled in with details from official Council of Trent documents.

Datum skapat: 1975

Tillskriven: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Copyright: Swedenborg Society

Copyright Swedenborg Society. All rights reserved.

Licens: Used with permission - se termer

Erhållen från: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk


Utgiven: 1975 i London, England av Swedenborg Society som en del av 'Small Theological Works and Letters

Föreslagen citation:

Justification. [Written in 1768, not published by the author.] Translated. London, England: Swedenborg Society, 1975. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
