Index - Arcana Coelestia (Hyde edition) # 4

Ni Emanuel Swedenborg

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4. D

[Dagger. See SWORD.]

Daily (quotidie). To-day and daily denotes perpetual and eternal, as 'Give us today our daily bread,' 2838:4. See also DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY, TIME, and YESTERDAY.

Dainties (cupedial). See TASTE.

Damascus (Damascus). What Damascus signifies, 1715, 1796.

[Damsel. See GIRLS.]

Dan (Dan). Dan was the last tribe, 10335:2. Dan signifies the ultimate boundary, 1710; in the highest sense, it signifies justice and mercy; in the internal sense, the holy part of faith; and in the external sense, the good of life, 3921, 3923; the affirmative and the first acknowledgment of truth, thus the first thing pertaining to the man about to be regenerated, but the last of the man regenerated: shown, 3923:2; those who are in truth, and not yet in good, 6396; those who are in the ultimate of the Lord's kingdom, because they denotes good from truth, and not so from good: shown, 6396.

Dance (chorea). Formerly they played and performed dances in Divine worship: shown, 8339. Dance denotes truth of faith: shown, 8339.

Daniel (Daniel). By Daniel was represented what is prophetic respecting the Lord's coming, and respecting the state of the Church, 3652:2.

Darkness (tenebrae). See THICK DARKNESS. The light (lumen) of the evil is turned into darkness, which they also love, 1525e. The hells are said to be in darkness, because they are in falsities; and concerning the light of those who are there, 4418. Darkness is spoken of in reference to the hells, because they are in falsities, and their light is as from a charcoal fire, 4531. Concerning those who believe they are wise from themselves: they are sent into a state of darkness; an experience, 4532. See also OBSCURE and SHADE. Darkness denotes falsities, 1839; shown, 7688. Darkness signify falsities, thick darkness denotes evils or hatred, 1860. Thick darkness denotes privation of truth and good, thus the densest falsity from evil; darkness denotes privation of truth, thus falsity: shown,7711. Divine Light is thick darkness to the evil: 1861e, 6832:2, 8197:2.

Darkness, Thick (caligo). See DARKNESS. In the hells there is thick darkness, and this from falsities and there is cold there, and this from evils,3340. There is also a light there, but it is fatuous; and also a heat, but it is as that of unclean baths, 3340. When one looks into hell there is a thick dark mist, and this is from the hatreds, revenges, and murders which they breathe; from experience, 3340. Thick darkness denotes the densest falsity from evil, 7711. To grope in thick darkness denotes to often stumble against, and not to find truth and good: shown, 7712. Darkness denotes falsities, thick darkness denotes evils, 1860. Thick darkness denotes not only entire privation of truth, but at the same time, of good; darkness denotes privation of truth: shown, 7711. Truth Divine is thick darkness to those who are of the Spiritual Church, and still more so to the Israelitish and Jewish people, 8918.

Dart (telum). See BOW [and JAVELIN.]

Daughter (filia). Daughter denotes affection, also the Church of a faith in which there is good,3963; the Church, and also a false religion: shown, 3963, 6729. By daughters are signified lusts; why, 568. Daughters signify the affections of good and truth; daughter of Zion, the affections of good; daughter of Jerusalem, the affections of truth; thus the Celestial and Spiritual Churches, 2362. The daughter of Zion denotes the Celestial Church, 9055:3. The daughters of the various nations signify the affections of evil and falsity, and their religious persuasions: shown, 3024:3. The seven daughters of a priest denotes the holy things of the Church, 6775, 6788. Women, daughters, and maid-servants denotes the affection of truth with respect to those who are in truths without affection; the distinction, 8994:2. By sons are signified truths, by daughters, goods, 489-491. [See also under AFFECTION.]

Daughter-in-Law (nurus). Daughter-in-law denotes the truth of the Church adjoined to good, and, in the opposite sense, the falsity adjoined to its evil: shown, 4843.

David (David). David stands for the Lord: shown, 1888, 9954:15.

Dawn (aurora). See MORNING. [Dawn denotes when conjunction is at hand, 4283, 4300.]

Day (dies). See also YEAR [and TO-DAY.] Day is taken for time and for state,23, 487, 488, 493, 893:2. Day, like all times, signifies state, 2788. Day denotes state: references cited, 10656. A state of faith is day, and a state of no faith is night, 221. The alternations of the regenerated, as to voluntary things, are as summer and winter, and, as to intellectual things, as day and night, 935, 936. Times of the day, as morning, noon, and evening, correspond to enlightenments of intelligence and wisdom in the other life, 5672, 5962:2. In the other life there are alternations of state like those of day: namely, morning, noon, evening, and twilight, and in hell, night; which things are illustrated, 6110:3. Alternations of state in the other life are as the alternations of times of the day in the world, for the reason that they may be continually perfected, 8426:2. States succeed each other, in the other life, as times of the year in the world, 9213. States of angels are as times of the day: illustrated, 10605e. To this day, in the Word, and today, denotes what is perpetual and eternal, 2838, 4304, 6165. To come into days denotes to put off the Human, 3016. It came to pass in that day denotes a state, 3462. The day is still great denotes the state proceeding, 3785. Days multiplied denotes change of state, 4850. From that unto this day denotes continually, 6278. In that day denotes what is eternal, 6298. In the whole day and the whole night denotes a state of perception not obscure, and one obscure, 7680. Of a day in a day [day by day] denotes continually, 8418, 8423.

Day After (postridie). See TO-MORROW.

Day before Yesterday (nudius tertius). Day before yesterday denotes a former state, and past time: shown, 6983. See YESTERDAY. Day before yesterday denotes a former state, 7114.

Deaf (surdus). Deaf denotes no perception and hence no obedience; and the deaf, in the Word, denotes those who do not know the truths of faith, and hence cannot live according to them: shown, 6989. The deaf are they who are not in the faith of truth, because they are not yet in the perception of it: briefly, 9209:4.

Death, Dead (mors, mortuum). Concerning the life of man after death, see LIFE. If man had lived the life of good, he would have been without disease; and when he became old, he would have been an infant again, but wise, and would have passed into heaven, and have had such a body as the angels have, 5726. The physical cause of disease and death are from sin, 5726. Man's death is from sin, 5712. Death denotes resuscitation into life: illustrated, 4618, 4621. By death, in the Word, is signified hell and eternal unhappiness, thus evil and falsity, because they are opposite to the life of intelligence and wisdom, 5407. Death denotes spiritual death: shown, 6119. In desolation an image of spiritual death is presented, which is damnation, 6119. Death denotes resurrection to life, and is regeneration: illustrated, 6221 damnation, and why it is called spiritual death, when yet they live: illustrated, 9008. Death, when spoken of Aaron, denotes cessation of representative things, and of conjunction with heaven, 9928; when spoken of the ministration of Aaron and his sons, denotes the representative perished: shown, 10244.

The quality of a dead man, a spiritual man, and a celestial man, 81. The resurrection of man from the dead; an experience, 168-189. See RESURRECTION. They who are not in faith are dead, 290. How the living and how the dead appear in the other life, 671. To weep for the dead denotes the last farewell, 4565. They who will good and believe truth have life, and are called living; and they who will evil and believe falsity have not life, and are called dead: shown, 7494.

By 'to die' is also signified that a thing ceases to be such, 494. To die denotes the last time of the Church, when it expires, 2908; or it is night as to truths of faith, 2908, 2912, 2917, 2923; an end of representation, 3253, 3259, 3276, 6302; also to rise again, 3326; resuscitation into life, 3498, 3505; a new representative, 5975; a new life, 6036; to cease to be, 6587, 6593; the end of a former state and the beginning of the following one, 6645; to be removed, 7021. To be killed and to die also do not to receive, when predicated of good and truth, 3387, 3395. To place the hand upon the eyes, when a man dies, denotes to vivify, 6008. To die by the plague denotes to be consumed, 7507, 7511.

Deborah (Deborah). Deborah, the nurse of Rebekah, denotes hereditary evil, 4563.

Decalogue (decalogus). See LAW.

Deceit (dolus). See also SIMULATION [and under ANGEL.] The hell of those who by artful deceit beguile for the purpose of destroying the soul, 830. There are differences of deceit: from premeditation, and not from premeditation, 830. Concerning deceitful sorceresses, and their hells and punishments, 831. The most deceitful are in an infernal tun; of what quality they are; and they infuse deceits subtly, nor are they admitted to men, 947. Concerning the deceitful in an obscure chamber; what they are, 949. Deceitful simulators undergo the punishments of rending, 957-960. The deceitful and hypocrites insinuate themselves, but they are then rejected and beaten, 1273. Deceitful hypocrites are understood by those who enter, not clothed in a wedding garment, 2132. Simulation and deceit were regarded by the most ancient people as monstrous crimes, 3573. Fraud denotes evil opinion and intention, and that it thinks differently, 4459, 4469. The deceitful when looked upon by angels appear as serpents and vipers, 4533. The most malicious are under the heel of the foot in front; their quality, 4951. What the evil denotes from cunning they call prudence, 6655. To lie in ambush denotes to do from the will and from foresight, 9009. Deceit denotes malice from previous thought, 9013. There are deceitful genii at the back, and they are invisible, 9013:2. Deceit destroys all that belongs to spiritual or interior life, 9013:8. Poison, in the Word, denotes deceit, and poisonous serpents denotes the deceitful: shown, 9013:3. Deceit denotes hypocrisy, in the spiritual sense: shown, 9013:4. See HYPOCRISY.

[Declare, To. See To TELL.]

Decline, To (declinare). To decline denotes towards falsity, 4815, 4816.

Decorum (decorum). Truths are forms of good: illustrated from honesty and decorum; concerning which, 4574:3.

Dedan (Dedan). What Dedan signifies, 1172. Sheba and Dedan denotes cognitions of heavenly things, that is the doctrinals of charity and faith, and those who are in them, 3240:2. Sheba and Dedan were not the great-grandsons of Ham, or the sons of Raamah, but the grandsons of Abraham by Keturah, 3240:2. Sheba properly denotes those who are in the good of faith, Dedan denotes those who are in truth from good, 3240:2, 3241.

Deep, Depth (profundum, prolunditas). [See also ABYSS.] Depths denotes the hells as to evils: shown, 8279.

Degree (gradus). See FORM throughout. Living decorations of steps and gates, 1627. How far those things in a higher degree exceed in perfection and abundance those in a lower, 3405. Distinction according to degrees; what it is and of what quality: illustrated, 3691:2. There are goods and truths of a triple degree in the internal man according to the three heavens, and goods and truths of a triple degree in the external man, which correspond, 4154. Degrees are as ladders from interior things to exterior with man; concerning which, 5114:3. The interiors of man are distinct in degree, and each degree must be terminated; if not, it flows into evil in the last degree, 5145:3. Interiors and exteriors are not known, unless degrees are known, 5146:2. They are not continuous as purer and grosser, but distinct, 6326, 6465. He who so conceives formations, cannot comprehend the internal and external of man, 6465:2. See INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, and FORM. How it is with degrees in successive order: illustrated from fruits, 8603:2. Concerning degrees in successive order with man; on the present idea that they are continuous, and the idea with the ancients that they are steps, thus distinct; whence this separation, 10099:2. What degrees of altitude are; they are those which proceed from interiors to exteriors, and without an idea of these, little is known about interior and exterior things with man and in the heavens, and what they are: illustrated; and degrees consociate themselves; by experiences, 10181. To ascend by steps denotes to be elevated to interior things: shown, 8945.

Delay, To (moran). See To LINGER.

Delightfulness (jucunditas). Into what qualities filthy delights are turned in the other life, 954. Delights are not denied to man, provided the interiors are good, 995. See PLEASURE. Delight is meaner as it approaches toward extremes, 996. Pleasures have their delight from use, 997. There are two delights which make a man, and such he is after death,-the delight of evil and the delight of good, 2363. The natural is regenerated by means of suitable delights and pleasures, 3502, 3512, and places are allotted there according to pleasures and delights, 3512. Combat between the delights of the natural man and the delights of the spiritual man is temptation, 3928. There are delights of the affections of evil and falsity and delights of the affections of good and truth; what the difference is, 3938. They who are in the delight of the affections of evil and falsity do not know what the delight of the affections of good and truth are, and suppose that, if they were deprived of their own delight, they would perish: shown also from experience, 3938:4.

[Deluge. See FLOOD.

Depart, To. See To GO FORTH and TO JOURNEY.

Depopulate, To (depopulani). To depopulate denotes to drive away from the truth,6405, 6406, 10227:4.

Depth. See DEEP and ABYSS.

Derivations (derivationes) - Derivations are as the steps of a ladder between the intellectual and the sensual, 5114:3.]

Descend, To (descendere). [See also To ASCEND.] To descend, when predicated of God, denotes judgment, 1311; when it is said of the Lord, denotes to lower things, 6854. To descend also denotes life, when it is similar in sense to 'to go,' 5637. To descend involves casting down to evil, as to ascend involves elevation to good: illustrated, 4815. See also To ASCEND. To ascend denotes towards interiors, and to descend denotes towards exteriors, 5406.

[Desert. See WILDERNESS.]

Desolation (desolatio). See VASTATION.

Despair (desperatio). All who are in temptations have with them a despair concerning the end, 1787. The reasons why they who are being regenerated are reduced to despair, 2694:2. By means of desperations, desolations, and temptations it is acknowledged that the whole of good and truth is from the Lord, 6144. They who are in infestations and in temptations are brought to despair, 7147. This is done by means of withdrawing truths, 7147. Something concerning the state of despair; they then suppose themselves given up to infernals, 7155e. Infestation and temptation must be brought to despair, or otherwise the use would not be served: shown from the Lord's temptation, which was even to despair, 7166. Despair is in temptations, and then bitter things are spoken, which are then not attended to, because temptation is to the last limit of the power to resist, 8165:2. Temptations are continual despairs, and end in desperation, 8567. Despair denotes the last of temptation and desolation; the reason, 5279, 5280:2.

[Destroy, To (perdere). See also DESTROYER. To destroy, when predicated respecting the Lord, denotes to perish by evil, that is, to be damned, 2395, 2397. To be destroyed denotes to be corrupted, 7449.]

Destroyer (perditor). Destroyer denotes hell, 7879.

[Devastation (devastatio). See also VASTATION. A total devastation is the privation of everything good and true, 7947.]

Devil (diabolus). See HELL. Hell constitutes one devil, 694. What the devil is is described; and who are devils; and I have talked with them, 968. The Lord has no need of infernal spirits, because all power is from Good, 1749. See also SPIRIT.

[Devote, To. See To ACCURSE.]

Dew (ros). Dew denotes truth, and especially the truth from a state

of peace and innocence: shown, 3579; the truth of peace, 8455.

Diamond (adximas). Truths of faith are signified by precious stones, 114. See also URIM. Chrysoprasus, sapphire, diamond denotes celestial love of truth, or the external good of the inmost heaven: shown, 9868.

Die, To. See DEATH.

[Diet. See FOOD.

Difference. See VARIETY.]

Dig, To (fodere). To dig denotes to search after, 7343; to devise, 9085. Digging through as a thief denotes to do in secret: shown, 9125.

Dig Through, To (perfodere). See To DIG.

[Dilate, To. See To ENLARGE.]

Dinah (Dinah). Dinah denotes the affection of general truths, also the Church in which good is, 3963, 3964; the affection of all things of faith, 4427; and the Church corrupted, 4504.

Director (moderator). Directors denotes those who most nearly receive infestations, and communicate them, 7111. Directors were those who commanded the people: shown, 7111:3.

Dirt (sordes). See EXCREMENT.

[Discerption. See RENDING.]

Disciples (discipuli). See APOSTLES.

[Discourse. See SPEECH.]

Disease (morbus). Concerning the correspondence of diseases with the spiritual world, 5711-5727. Diseases correspond to the spiritual world in the broad sense, not to the Grand Man, 5712. Diseases correspond to lusts, and they are from sin, 5712. The hells induce diseases when they are permitted to flow into the solid parts or [into the parts which constitute the viscera] of the body, 5713. Adulterers inflicted, to the greatest degree, pains on the periostea and wheresoever they go, also a heaviness on the stomach; from experience, 5714. Burning fever from collected unclean heats; an experience, 5715. Cold fever from unclean coolnesses, 5716. Concerning those who relate to the viscid excrements of the brain; they rush into the chambers of the skull, and even into the spinal marrow, and induce insanities and death; an experience, 5717. Their quality, and where they are, 5717. They who have been, in principles and life, in the purpose of ruling, excite enmities and hatred, and refer to the thick phlegm of the brain; they induce torpor and take away what is vital; concerning whom, 5718. They who condemn the Word and life relate to the vitiated things of the blood, 5719. Hypocrites induce pains in the teeth, the bones of the temple, even to the cheeks, 5720. They who have appeared, in the life, just and serious, yet have lived only a life of the love of self, in hatred against those who have not worshipped them, infuse weariness, and therefrom an infirmity to mind and body; concerning whom, 5721. Concerning the most filthy, who also induce a weariness and torpor, so that a man cannot raise himself from his bed, 5722. They who have been given up solely to sloth and indolence induce heaviness on the stomach, 5723. They who place scruples of conscience in everything induce anxieties, 5724. What the nature of a man is when he is inundated: he is indignant and lusts, 5725. If man had lived the life of good, he would have been without disease, and would have become an infant, and would have then passed into heaven and put on a body such as angels have, 5726. The physical cause of disease and death are from sin, 5726.

Diseases denotes evils of the spiritual life: shown; and they correspond, 8364. Disease denotes falsified truth and adulterated good, 9324. Cures of diseases denotes healings of the spiritual life, 9031:5. The Lord's miracles were healings of diseases, and they involved and signified states of the Church, 8364:6. He is sick who is in evil; he is bound who is in falsity: briefly stated, 4958. To be sick denotes the successive of regeneration, 6221.

Dispute, To Dispute (lis, litigare). To quarrel (rixari) denotes to deny, 3427. Not to contend (contendere) denotes to be in tranquillity, 5963. To dispute denotes to contend for truths against falsities, to defend, and to liberate, 9024.

[Dissolute (dissoltitus). To be dissolute denotes to be averted from what is internal, 10479, 10480.]

Distance (distantia). See PLACE and SITUATION. Concerning distance in the other life; from experience, 1273-1278, 1376-1382. Distance denotes the diversity of states of life, 9104.

Disturb, To (turbare). To disturb denotes consternation: shown, 9328.

Divide, To (dividere). [See also To CLEAVE (findere).] To divide denotes to exterminate, 6360, 6361; to separate and also to dissipate; whence: shown, 9093. To divide unto denotes a disposal, 4342, 4344. To be divided denotes a separation and removal from truths and goods; concerning which, 4424.

[Divine. See LORD.

Divine Human. See ANGEL and LORD.]

Divine, To (divinare). To divine denotes to know hidden things, 5748, things hidden and future, when predicated respecting the Lord, 5781. Divination, when it relates to the prophets, has respect to life; vision has respect to doctrine, 9248:2.

[Do, To. See To MAKE.]

Do Well, To (benefacere). to do well denotes to gain life, 4258.

Doctrine, Doctrinal (doctrina, doctrinale). [See also APPEARANCE and WORD.] History of Doctrine. There were doctrinals of the Ancient Church; whence, 608, 609, 920:4. There is a doctrinal of charity and a doctrinal of faith, and the doctrinal of charity was in the Ancient Church, which today is among the things that are lost, 2417:8. The Ancient Church had doctrinals of charity; concerning which, 4955. These are at this day lost, and why, 4955. The doctrinals of the Ancient Churches were altogether other than those of today: namely, besides representatives and significatives, they had the doctrinals of love to the Lord and charity to the neighbour, 3419:2. Those doctrines have been obliterated at this time by the present Babylonians and Philistines, 3419:3, 3420. The Ancient Churches had the doctrinals of charity which led to life; and how much these prevailed over the doctrinals of faith, 4844:3. Their cognitions and scientifics were, to know what the rituals of the Church represented, and further what the rest signified, 4844:3. Scientifics in the Ancient Church served their doctrinals, 4964, 4966. See SCIENCE. The Philistines rejected the doctrinal of charity, thus they obliterated interior truths, 3412:2, 3413.

The Nature of Doctrine. All doctrine is of truth, 7053. Truths are not cognitions, but in cognitions, 3391. In all doctrinals which are from the literal sense of the Word, there are interior truths, 3464. What is meant by saying that doctrinals are from scientifics, 3052e. The doctrinals of scientifics are those which are from the literal sense of the Word, 5945. The special things of doctrine are confirmations, additions, and explanations, 4720:3. Doctrine from the Word should be a lamp, and the internal sense of the Word teaches it, 10400:3. What the doctrinal of good, of the good of truth, and of truth, or of charity and faith, are, 2567:10.

Doctrine and the Word. The Word is written according to the doctrines of the Ancient Churches: shown, 3419:3. Doctrine should be wholly from the Word, so that the Word may be understood, 9409, 10582. Doctrine ought to be drawn from the Word by those who are in enlightenment from the Lord, 9424. Doctrine from the Word is to be fashioned by those who are in enlightenment by the Lord, so that the Word may be understood; and who are in enlightenment, 10105:2. Doctrine is not perceived unless it is expounded rationally and sensually, 2553. By means of doctrine made by one enlightened the Word is apprehended, 10324. The sense of the letter of the Word apart from doctrine therefrom, leads into errors: illustrated, 10431. The external sense of the Word, apart from genuine doctrine from the Word, is obscure, like a cloud, 9430. With those who are in the sense of the letter, apart from doctrine, truth is not in any power: illustrated, 9410:4. The distinction between those who teach and learn from the Word, and those who denotes so from doctrine from the Word; that the latter understand interior things, the former only exterior, 9025:2. They who are in externals, apart from an internal, and the merely sensual, read the Word without doctrine, and believe only the sense of the letter, and draw therefrom falsity, from material, earthly, and corporeal ideas, 10582:3. The Word is upheld by genuine doctrine, 9424. The Word ought to be searched to know whether doctrinals are true, 6047:2. See FAITH. They who are in the affection of truth do not remain in doctrinals, but search the Word to see whether they are true, 5432:5. Truths of the Church are acquired by means of doctrinals and by means of the Word; when by doctrinals alone they are scientifics, then one believes those who have demonstrated them; but if by the Word, then one can acquire truths to himself from the Divine, 5402:2. They who read the Word from heavenly love are enlightened, and make to themselves doctrine therefrom; but they who denotes so from infernal love are not enlightened: illustrated, 9382:2. They who are in the external sense of the Word, and not in the internal, are they who make no doctrine to themselves from the Word, 9409. Genuine doctrine from the Word is the internal sense, 9430. The Lord is Doctrine Itself, 2533e; because He is the Word, 2859. The Lord is the Word, or Divine Doctrine, in a threefold sense-supreme, internal, and literal, 3712.

Doctrine and the Church. Where the Church is there should be doctrine from the Word, and indeed the doctrine of life, which is the doctrine of charity and at the same time of faith, and not of faith alone, 10763, 10764. Although doctrinals are various, still there is one Church, if all have charity, 3451:2, 3452. The Church would be one, if all had charity, although they might vary as to doctrinals and worship, 809, 1285:3, 1316. What is doctrinal does not make the Church, but charity, 1798, 1799:2, 1834:3, 1844.

Doctrine, Faith, and Charity. Doctrinals are nothing unless men live according to them; an experience, 1515. They who look to doctrinals and not to life do not think of the life after death, and conversely, 2454e. What is meant by saying that, when men are in love and charity, they ought not to look to doctrinals: namely, not from doctrinals to charity and love, but from charity and love to doctrinals, 2417, [2454.] In what ignorance they are who are in no doctrinal of charity, 2435. The doctrine of charity, see CHARITY. The doctrine of faith is the doctrine of charity, 2571e. There is one doctrine: namely, charity towards the neighbour and love to the Lord, 3445. The doctrine of faith is invested with appearances from human things, 2719, 2726. The doctrinals of faith are appearances of Divine Truth, see APPEARANCES. The doctrine of faith is celestial-spiritual, not from the rational, 2510: shown from examples, 2516:3, 2519. The Lord thought from the Celestial-Spiritual, but taught according to the apprehension of the people, 2533:2. The spiritual separate the Divine from the rational, inasmuch as they wish that those things which belong to faith should be simply believed, without any intuition from the rational; concerning which subject, 3394:2. It is allowed to those who are in an affirmative state respecting Divine truths to enter into rational and scientific truths, but not to those who are in a negative state to enter into the doctrine of faith, 2568, 2588:2.

What is meant by saying that doctrinals are removed when man is first being reformed, 3057:4. He who arrives at spiritual good has no need of doctrinal [instruction], 5997. All things relate to generals, thus to doctrinals, 6146. By 'idols,' in the Word, are doctrines from the external sense of the Word, without internal: shown,9424:4.

Dog (canis). The dog Cerberus denotes a guard lest one should pass over from the delight of conjugial delight which is heavenly to the delight of adultery which is infernal, 2743, 5051:2. A dog shall not move its tongue denotes there shall not be the least of damnation and lamentation, 7784. Dogs denotes the lowest in the Church, and those who are outside the Church, also those who babble much about such things as belong to the Church, and know but little, and those who pour out abuse on those things which belong to faith: shown, 7754. Dogs denotes those outside the Church who are in unclean falsities: shown, 9231.

Dominate, To (dominari). Dominating with men, see UNIVERSAL DOMINION [under UNIVERSAL,] and COMMAND.

[Dominion. See To COMMAND (imperare).

Done, To be. See FINISHED.]

Door (janua, ostium). The door of a tent denotes entrance to what is holy, 2145, 2152. Door denotes what introduces to good, 2356, 2385; introduction and communication: shown, 8989; and a door in heaven actually signifies this, 8989:3. To bore an ear through with an awl to a door denotes to devote to perpetual obedience, 8990. Door (ostium) of the fountains; what it signifies, 4861, see FOUNTAIN.

Dothan (Dothan). Dothan denotes special truths of doctrine: shown, 4720; and, in the opposite sense, the special things of false principles, 4720, 4721.

Double-Dyed and Scarlet (dibaphum at coccineum). Double-dyed and scarlet denotes spiritual good: shown, 4922. Scarlet denotes good, double-dyed denotes truth: shown, 9468.

Dough (massa). Dough, of which bread is made, denotes the first state of truth from good, 7966.

Dove (columba). A Dove signifies the goods and truths of faith with one about to be regenerated, 870. A turtle-dove and a young pigeon signifies spiritual things, 1826, 1827. Why birds were not divided in sacrifices, 1832.

Downwards (deorsum). To look upwards, and to look downwards; what is signified, 6952, 6954. See ELEVATION.

Dowry (dos). A dowry is a token of agreement and a confirmation to initiation, 4456, 9187. Dowry denotes the token of agreement, and that is truth, to conjunction, 9186. It is spoken of with respect to the conjunction of truth with good, 9186.

Dragon (draco). Concerning the habitation of the dragon near Gehenna; who and of what quality, 950. The dragon, the old serpent, in the Apocalypse; what it is, 7293:5.

Draw, To (haurire). To draw waters denotes to instruct in the truths of faith, and to be enlightened, 3058, 3071. Drawers of waters, 3058, 3071. See WATER and To DRINK.

[Draw Nigh, To. See To APPROACH.]

Dread (pavor). See FEAR.

[Dream. See SLEEP and ANGELS.]

Drink, To (bibere). Where the goods and truths of faith are treated of, to drink denotes to instruct in them and to receive them: shown, 3069. To drink also denotes to be communicated and conjoined, 3089; the application of truth to its own good, 5709. To eat denotes appropriation of good, to drink denotes appropriation of truth, 3168. To eat and drink denotes information concerning good and truth: shown, 9412. To come to drink denotes the affection of truth, 4017, 4018. To give to drink denotes to enlighten, 3071. See also To DRAW. To make to drink denotes almost the same as to drink, but involves something of the active, 3092. To give a flock to drink denotes to instruct in the Word, thus doctrine, 3772. As foods and drinks nourish the material life, so goods and truths corresponding to them nourish the spiritual life, 8562.

Drink, To Give to (potare). See To DRINK, WATER, THIRST.

Drink-Offering (libamen). Drink-offering denotes the good of truth, the good of faith, spiritual good, 4581; in the opposite sense, the worship of falsity, 4581:7. By setting up a pillar of stone, pouring a drink-offering upon it, and pouring out oil upon it, are represented the progress of the Lord's glorification, and of man's regeneration, from truth to celestial good, 4582. The meat-offering denotes celestial good, and the drink-offering denotes spiritual good; in a similar manner as bread and wine in the Holy Supper: shown, 4581:4. The meat-offering which was bread, and the drink-offering which was wine, signified such things as belong to the Church, thus good and truth: illustrated, 10137.

Drive Out, To (expellere). When used in reference to falsities and evils, to drive out denotes removal, 9333.

Droves of the Herd (catervae gregis). See HERD.

Drum (tympanum). Drum is predicated respecting spiritual good,4138. Drum denotes the good of truth: shown, 8337.

Drunkeness (ebrietas). A drunkard denotes one who falls into errors, and who reasons, 1072; those who are insane in spiritual things, 1072:5.

Dry (arida). Dry land, what is signified by, 6976. Dry and drying up when predicated of waters: they signifies, when the waters are falsities, no falsities, but when the waters are truths, they signify no truth: shown, 8185:3. when they are predicated of trees, herbs, or bones, the contrary of that which is signified by them is dd.; and what is meant by dry land, 8185e.

Dudaim (dudaim). Dudaim denotes those things which belong to conjugial love in the truth and good of charity and love: shown, 3942.

Dumah (Duma). Dumah the son of Ishmael, 3268.

Dumb (mutus). Dumb denotes no utterance; and, in the Word, the dumb denotes those who by reason of ignorance are not able to confess the Lord, and to preach faith in Him: shown, 6988.

Dung (fimus). See EXCREMENT.

[Dura Mater. See MATER.]

Dust (pulvis). Dust signifies what is damned, 278, 7522; illustrated and shown, 7418, 7522; also denotes a grave, what is low and numerous, 7418. What 'the serpent shall eat the dust' signifies, 249. What the dust of the earth, the dust of the sea, and the stars of the heavens signifies, 1609. What the dust of the feet signifies, 1748:3. The dust of the earth denotes natural good, 3707.

Dutch (Hollandi). Which of them are unseen natural, 4630, 5573.

Dwell Together, To (cohabitare). See To DWELL, [under DWELLING.]

habitaculum, habitatio, habitare. (habitaculum, habitatio, habitare). See also HOUSE, TOWN, and PALACE. The dwellings of those who were from the Most Ancient Church are magnificent,1116. Concerning the dwellings of angels, 1628, 1629. To dwell denotes to live, 1293; to be and to live, thus a state: shown, 3384:2; a state of life, 6051. To dwell near a well denotes study in the Word, 6774. To dwell with anyone denotes to agree, 6792. To dwell together is from the same word as Zebulon, and, in the supreme sense, denotes the Divine Itself of the Lord; in the internal sense, the heavenly marriage; and in the external sense, conjugial love, 3960. To dwell with them denotes to live together, 4451. To dwell in the midst, when said of the Lord, denotes His presence and influx into the good of love, 10153. To tarry denotes to live, and is predicated of the life of truth with good; to dwell is predicated of the life of good with truth, 3613. Town is predicated of truths, and dwelling of good, 2712. Habitations denotes those things which belong to the mind, thus those of intelligence and wisdom, 7719; the interiors, 7910. The dwelling of the Lord denotes good with man, and what is in heaven, and heaven: illustrated, 8269; shown, 8309. A dwelling denotes heaven, and in particular the second, or middle heaven: shown, 9594, 9634. The form of the dwelling seen in Mount Sinai denotes the representative of heaven where the Lord is, 9481. To stretch out the heavens and the earth is similar to stretching out the curtains of the dwelling; concerning which: shown, 9596. Inhabitants denotes the goods of truth, 2268, 2451; shown, 2712. Inhabitant of the land, when said of the nations, denotes a religion in which there is evil, 10640.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.