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ЗаглавиеАвторТемаБиблейски книгиДата на въвежданеСтраници
Parables of the Old Testament ExplainedMitchell, EdwardBible Explanation190349
From Egypt to CanaanBayley, JohnBible ExplanationExodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua1869481
Saul, David and SolomonOdhner, Hugo Lj.Bible Explanation1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings1967114
Essays on the Lord's PrayerOdhner, Hugo Lj.Bible ExplanationMatthew, Luke197211
Divine AllegoryOdhner, Hugo Lj.Bible Explanation1954150
Scripture Paradoxes - Their True ExplanationBayley, JohnBible Explanation1868155
Ten CommandmentsCranch, HaroldBible Explanation (Sermons)Exodus, Deuteronomy197253
Sermons on the Ten Commandments Volume 1Acton, AlfredBible Explanation (Sermons)Exodus, Deuteronomy1914-191818
Sermons on the Ten Commandments Volume 2Acton, AlfredBible Explanation (Sermons)Exodus, Deuteronomy1914-1918123
Call and Deliverance of the Children of IsraelClowes, JohnBible Explanation (Sermons)1850354
Sermons on the WordHyatt, EdwardBible Explanation (Sermons)193542
Sermons - Expository and PracticalBruce, WilliamBible Explanation (Sermons)1867319
Divine Word OpenedBayley, JohnBible Explanation (Sermons)1888660
Magnificent ScenesBayley, JohnBible Explanation (Sermons)Revelation1878169
Our New Church VocabularyHenderson, W. CairnsIndex196640
Index to Swedenborg's Arcana CoelestiaRich, ElihuIndex18532683
New Church and Modern ChristianityDeCharms, GeorgeApplication1963136
Principles of GovernmentDeCharms, GeorgeApplication196075
Application of DoctrineDeCharms, GeorgeApplication19535
Health and the Human MindHeinrichs, WillardApplication1988182
Principles of the New PhilosophyOdhner, Hugo Lj.Application196516
Spirits and MenOdhner, Hugo Lj.Application1958223
What the New Church TeachesBuss, James F.Doctrine1897192
Doctrine of ReflectionDeCharms, GeorgeDoctrine19389
Sermons Illustrating the Doctrine of the LordDeCharms, RichardDoctrine184022
Notes on the Divine ProvidenceDibb, AndrewDoctrine199518
Topics from the WritingsPendleton, William F.Doctrine1946250
As from Self and the Two Essentials of the ChurchSandstrom, ErikDoctrine19831
AdditamentumSandstrom, ErikDoctrine19803
Visible GodSandstrom, ErikDoctrine196321
Uses of the Moral VirtuesSchnarr, FredDoctrine196558
Swedenborg and the Doctrines of the New ChurchTafel, Rudolph L.Doctrine1889572
Reflections on Some Popular FallaciesOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine19404
Fundamentals of the New ChurchOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine194757
GlorificationPendleton, Nathaniel D.Doctrine194132
RepentancePendleton, Nathaniel D.Doctrine19827
Authority in the New ChurchTafel, Rudolph L.Doctrine1877265
Nature of the Spiritual WorldActon, AlfredDoctrine1914196
Doctrinal PapersAlden, KarlDoctrine1951177
Great Truths on Great SubjectsBayley, JohnDoctrine1899216
Circle of New-Church DoctrineGiles, ChaunceyDoctrine1882256
Sermons Concerning the LordGladish, WillisDoctrine1945191
Crown of RevelationsActon, AlfredDoctrine193420
Twelve DiscoursesBayley, JohnDoctrine1862432
Criterion of Divine AuthorshipBuss, James F.Doctrine1920324
Star in the EastBuss, James F.Doctrine1909179
Selected Papers and AddressesBuss, Peter M.Doctrine199518
CreedsClissold, AugustusDoctrine1873189
Paul and DavidClissold, AugustusDoctrine1873181
Laws of Order for the Preservation the ConjugialOdhner, Carl T.Doctrine1904193
Doctrine and the ChurchOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine1945184
Last JudgmentOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine195572
Faith and FalsityOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine197015
Spiritual WorldOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine1968471
Effects of the Last JudgmentOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine19385
Externals of the New ChurchOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine194968
Grand ManOdhner, Hugo Lj.Doctrine193511
Chapel Talks on Vital SubjectsOdhner, Ormond DeC.Doctrine195854
Science of ExpositionPendleton, William F.Doctrine191529
Addresses and SermonsTilson, RobertDoctrine194512
Words for the New Church Volume 1No AuthorDoctrine1879589
Words for the New Church Volume 2No AuthorDoctrine1883599
Words for the New Church Volume 3No AuthorDoctrine1883219
What the Writings Testify Concerning ThemselvesNo AuthorDoctrine196116
Philosophy of New Church EducationDeCharms, GeorgeEducation1942197
History of New Church Education Volume 1Gladish, RichardEducation1968173
History of New Church Education Volume 3Gladish, RichardEducation1973224
History of New Church Education Volume 2Gladish, RichardEducation1968139
Values and Objectives of New Church EducationPendleton, Willard D.Education19646
Relationship of the Academy to the General ChurchPendleton, Willard D.Education19693
Principles of the AcademyPendleton, William F.Education19092
Notes on the Education of Infants and ChildrenPendleton, William F.Education194614
New Church Education in the HomeSandstrom, ErikEducation197272
Formative States of the HumanPendleton, Willard D.Education19686
Annals of the New Church 1851-1890Odhner, Carl T.History1976259
Robert Hindmarsh, A BiographyOdhner, Carl T.History1895118
Augustus NordenskjoldOdhner, Hugo Lj.History195630
John Wesley and SwedenborgOdhner, Ormond DeC.History1962115
Biographical Sketch of Thomas WorcesterReed, SamsonHistory1880143
Annals of the General Church 1938-1976Rich, MorleyHistory1976262
Annals of the Academy of the New Church 1876-1896Whitehead, WilliamHistory1976112
Annals of the General Church 1897-1937Whitehead, WilliamHistory1976264
Kramph Will CaseNo AuthorHistory1910530
Reply to Emerson on SwedenborgBush, GeorgeHistory184628
James John Garth Wilkinson - An IntroductionEvans, FrederickHistory193694
Early History of the New ChurchField, GeorgeHistory1879368
Rise and Progress of the New Jerusalem ChurchHindmarsh, RobertHistory1861494
Paracelsus and the Mystical Tradition of the RenaissanceOdhner, Hugo Lj.History196811
Church History - High School TextOdhner, Ormond DeC.History1964145
Annals of the New Church 1688-1850Odhner, Carl T.History1976576
Swedenborg at WorkRegamy, AlfredSwedenborg193568
Documents Concerning Swedenborg Volume 1Tafel, Rudolph L.Swedenborg1875726
Documents Concerning Swedenborg Volume 2Tafel, Rudolph L.Swedenborg1875694
Documents Concerning Swedenborg Volume 3Tafel, Rudolph L.Swedenborg1875643
Letters and Memorials of Emanuel SwedenborgNo AuthorSwedenborg1948786
Swedenborg's PreparationActon, AlfredSwedenborg195154
Life of SwedenborgActon, AlfredSwedenborg1958838
Introduction to the Word ExplainedActon, AlfredSwedenborg192756