Arcana Coelestia #8264

От Емануел Сведенборг

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8264. 'For He has highly exalted [Himself]' means that He has displayed His Divinity within His Humanity. This is clear from the meaning of 'exalting Himself', when it refers to the Lord, as displaying His Divinity within His Humanity. The reason why 'highly exalting Himself' has this meaning is that what is Divine is Highest or Supreme, and when the Lord was in the world He made the Human within Himself Divine and in so doing 'highly exalted [Himself]'. For the meaning of 'high' in the Word as Divine, see 8153. Here the words used are 'has highly exalted', by which displaying Divinity within Humanity is meant.

Such is their meaning because the theme of this song is the Lord and how, after making Divine His Human, He cast the evil into hell and raised the good to heaven, 8258, which He did simply by His presence, 7989; for casting the evil into hell and raising the good to heaven, simply by being present, is a Divine accomplishment.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.