
От Julian Duckworth, Joe David

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A canoe moves through a tree lined creek.

Providence is the way in which the Lord constantly governs everything. It is there in every moment of life and in every circumstance. We cannot put ourselves outside divine providence, which seeks in countless unknown ways to bring us into heaven, while always leaving us in freedom to reject its guidance if we so choose.

We are unaware of the activity of providence. If we were aware, we would try to avoid it or bend it, thinking that we know better.

For those who wish to live rightly and try to do so, providence is like an unseen and unfelt current that bears them along toward heaven like a ship on an ocean current. For those who wish to live in their selfish loves, providence keeps them in an equilibrium between good and evil influences so that they can, if they wish, change their ways.

Providence is the Lord’s, and He is infinite love and infinite wisdom, which we need to keep in mind if we find ourselves wondering if we could do better at running things.

Swedenborg published a 300 page book about the Divine Providence. The first chapter heading is definitive; "The Divine Providence is the Government of the Lord’s Divine Love and Wisdom." Everyone is under that government. We are free to accept the direction of the Lord’s leading or not; our freedom is paramount. The Lord will always knock, but we must open the door to Him.

There are five laws of divine providence:

1. A person should act from freedom according to reason.

2. A person should, as-from-self, remove evils as sins from his/her externals. In that way, and in no other way, the Lord can remove evils in the internal person, and then at the same time in the external.

3. People should not be compelled by external means to think and will, and thus to believe and love, the things of religion. Rather, they should persuade and at times compel themselves to do so.

4. People should be taught and led by the Lord from heaven by means of the Word, and doctrine and preaching from the Word, and this should happen, to all appearances, as if they are acting indendently.

5. People should not perceive and feel anything of the operation of the divine providence, but still we should know about it and acknowledge it.

(Препратки: Arcana Coelestia 609, 1755, 3854, 3951, 5155; Divine Providence 21, 22, 23, 27, 55-60, 232, 234, 278 [1-3], 322)