Rational Psychology #4

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4. That the sensation is such as the organic substance is; and the organic substance, such as the sensation. That is to say, as the hearing is, such is the ear, and as the sight, such the eye; and also the reverse, namely, as the ear is, such is the hearing, and as the eye, such the sight. So also in the other senses. Thus, in the interior senses, as perception and imagination are, such is the cortical gland, which may be termed the internal eyelet or eye; and, as the intellection is, such is the simple cortex; and the reverse. Therefore, every sensation conforms itself to the state of its sensory; for if sensation is a sensation of its organ, necessity requires that it be according to the state of its organ.

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Many thanks to the Swedenborg Scientific Association for their permission to use this text on this site.