列王記上 2:3



3 あなたの主のさとしを守り、その道に歩み、その定めと戒めと、おきてとあかしとを、モーセの律法にしるされているとおりに守らなければならない。そうすれば、あなたがするすべての事と、あなたの向かうすべての所で、あなたは栄えるであろう。

Commentary on this verse  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 3. And, consequently, there will follow, obedience to the Divine Word from more interior motives, on account of a clearer insight into its character, as consisting of celestial, spiritual, and natural good and truth, in successive order from the Lord, who is its inmost; and thus as being the source of all spiritual life and intelligence in every heavenly state.