Vol. IX. PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY, 1889=119. No. 1.
IN the historical Person of JESUS CHRIST men could see even with their natural eyes, hear with their natural ears, touch with their natural hands the LORD GOD the Creator, Who had thus come into the world to be the Redeemer and Saviour. This assumption of the Human constituted His First Coming for the redemption and salvation of the world. Without this general or historical Coming, He could not effect His Coming to the individual son, but this renders it possible.
When the Church established by the LORD at that time, had arrived at its end, He effected His Second Coming in the same Divine Human which He had assumed and glorified at His First Coming-even the Word made Flesh, having the Glory which He had before the world was. Thus He appeared as the Word-as the Divine Truth made manifest to the spiritual apperception of men, in the Divine Books whit He caused to be written through His servant, Emanuel Swedenborg.
As is true of the First, so of this Second Advent: without it He could not effect His Coming to the individual soul, but this has rendered it possible.