January 1963
No. 1
A Sermon on John 15:16 George de Charms 1
A Right Education
Charter Day Address Dandridge Pendleton 6
The Two Witnesses of the New Church Erik Sandstrom 11
Mrs. William Ryle Cooper
Extracts from a Memorial Address George de Charms 17
Self-Destruction W. Cairns Henderson 19
Temptation Benjamin I. Nzimande 22
Do We Look for Another? Daniel W. Heinrichs 28
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 34
The Spiritual Diary, Volume 1 36
Editorial Department
A Faith for the Years 38
The Scope of Evangelization 39
The Inquiring Mind 40
Church News 41
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 46
Annual Council Meetings-January 28-February 3-Program 48
February 1963
No. 2
Carmel Church Chancel and Building Frontispiece
The Lord in His Divine Human
A Service on Revelation 1:1 Geoffrey Childs 49
Dedication of the Carmel Church Building Vivian Riepert 54
The Mission of the Academy Charter Day Banquet Address George de Charms 65
The Academy and its Future Charter Day Banquet Address Hugo Lj. Odhner 69
Russia and Atheism Donald L. Rose 75
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 85
Review Unity in the Universe 87
Editorial Department
A New Beginning 89
Repentance in the Christian Church 90
The Concept of Regeneration 90
Rewards Can Be Useful 91
Church News 92
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 95
March 1963
No. 3
Meditation in Life
A Sermon on John 5: 4 Moreley Rich 97
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth
1. Introduction: The Nature of the Word George de Charms 103
The Blessing of Work David R. Simons 108
A Heaven from the Human Race Frederick L. Schnarr 113
Repentance and the Holy Supper Erik Sandstrom 118
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 123
In the King's Service 125
Come and See 126
Editorial Department
Love, Charity and Works 127
The Demands of Accommodation 128
Humiliation and Glorification 129
They Have Their Reward 130
Church News 131
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 135
April 1963
No. 4
The Sign of the Prophet Jonas
A Sermon on Matthew 12: 39 Willard D. Pendleton 137
The Easter Message
A Talk to Children Karl R. Alden 143
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth
2. How the Doctrine is Acquired George de Charms 146
The Cross of Jesus Kenneth O. Stroh 151
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 158
Council of the Clergy Sessions W. Cairns Henderson 160
Joint Council Session Hugo Lj. Odhner 162
Annual Reports
Secretary of the General Church Hugo Lj. Odhner 172
Secretary of the Council of the Clergy W. Cairns Henderson 176
Corporations of the General Church Stephen Pitcairn 181
Treasurer of the General Church Leonard B. Gyllenhaal 184
Editor of New Church Life W. Cairns Henderson 188
Publication Committee Hugo Lj. Odhner 188
Pension Committee Edward H. Davis 189
Religion Lessons Committee Karl R. Alden 189
Sound Recording Committee W. Cairns Henderson 190
Visual Education Committee William R. Cooper 190
Editorial Department
All Men Unto Me 191
Why A Second Redemption? 192
And Follow Me 193
Church News 194
Annual Corporation Meetings - June 15, 1963 199
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 199
Academy of the New Church Calendar, 1963-1964 200
May 1963
No. 5
A Mother in Israel - A Sermon on Judges 5: 7 Martin Pryke 201
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth
3. Its Loss and Restoration George de Charms 207
Resist Not Evil - Donald L. Rose 212
Thomas, Which Is Called Didymus - W. Cairns Henderson 217
The Power of Prayer - Sydney B. Childs 223
The Bryn Athyn Epsilon Society - Procedures and Recent Activities Robert H. P. Cole 229
Notes on the Calendar Readings - Frederick L. Schnarr 234
Review - Gems From The Writings Donald L. Rose 236
Editorial Department
The Unpardonable Sin 238
Two Kingdoms, Three Heavens 239
Who Is Worthy? 240
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth - Fred Frazee 241
Annual Corporation Meetings-June 15, 1963 242
48th British Assembly-July 19-21, 1963 242
Swedenborg Scientific Association Annual Meeting-May 15 242
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriage, Deaths 242
Academy of the New Church: Calendar, 1963-1964 244
June 1963
No 6.
Chosen and Ordained
A Sermon on John 15: 26 Hugo Lj. Odhner 245
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth
4. How the Lord Protects the Innocent George de Charms 252
Russia and Atheism
Donald L. Rose 258
A New Philosophy
Geoffrey P. Dawson 269
Notes on the Calendar Readings
Frederick L. Schnarr 282
Editorial Department
A Continuing Education 284
The Foundation of the Church 285
The Purpose of the Second Advent 285
Annual Corporation Meetings - June 14. 1963 287
48th British Assemably - July 19-21, 1963 287
Sons of the Academy Annual Meetings - June 21-23, 1963 287
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 287
July 1963
No. 7
The Miami Church Frontispiece
A Sermon on Revelation 1: 8 Kenneth O. Stroh 289
The Doctrine of Genuine Truth
5. The Doctrine Fully Revealed George de Charms 296
Miami Church Dedication Morley D. Rich 301
Merciful Cherubim
A Pre-dedication Sermon Morley D. Rich 301
Morality in International Relations William R. Kintner 314
Declaration of Faith and Purpose Geoffrey H. Howard 323
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 325
Editorial Department
Our First Responsibility 327
Offering for Dedication 328
The Source of Forgiveness 328
The Son of Man Theodore Pitcairn 329
Church News
6th Northwest District Assembly - August 17, 18, 1963 334
Ordination, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 334
48th British Assembly - July 19 - 21, 1963 Program 336
August 1964
No. 8
Innocence in Education
A Sermon on Exodus 23: 19 Robert S. Junge 349
The Holy of Holies
Presidential Address at British Assembly George de Charm 355
The Importance of Perspective
Lorentz R. Soneson Swedenborg's Missionary Work 366
Swedenborg's Missionary Work Donald L. Rose 367
Reason and Rationality
2. Reason in Pre-Christian and Christian Thought Elmo C. Acton 371
Declarations of Faith and Purpose
Alfred Acton 376
Peter Martin Buss 376
Our New Church Vocabulary 377
Creation 379
Editorial Department
The Church and Intellectualism 381
The Enigma of Peace 382
Hard Sayings: 6. Conjugial Love 382
Church News 384
Ordinations, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 387
Educational Council-August 21-28, 1964 388
September 1963
No. 9
Keeping the Sabbath
A Sermon on Exodus 20: 8-11 Frederick L. Schnarr 377
Our New Church Vocabulary 383
The Holy Spirit
2. The Operation of the Holy Spirit Geoffrey H. Howard 384
Taste and See Erik Sandstrom 392
William Frederic Pendleton
A Biographical Sketch Theodore Klein 401
In Our Contemporaries 411
Declaration of Faith and Purpose Donald L. Rose 412
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 413
Editorial Department
Continuity 415
The Pastoral Use 416
Religion in Education 416
Maker of Heaven and Earth 417
Governor Among the Nations 418
A Traditional Usage Defended Alexander McQueen 419
Church News
Chicago District Assembly - October 18-20, 1963 427
Eastern Canada District Assembly - November 3-10, 1963 427
Charter Day - October 11, 12, 1963 427
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriage, Deaths 427
October, 1963
No. 10
From Spiritual Youth to Spiritual Maturity
Dandridge Pendleton 429
The Holy Spirit
Geoffrey Howard 435
The Perfection of Human States
David Simons 443
Eldin O. Acton 451
Sixth Northwest District Assembly 454
Notes on the Calendar Reading
Frederick L. Schnarr 457
Editorial Department
The Triune Word 460
The Bride and the Wife of the Lord 461
The Elect 462
A Need for Neither Fiscal Nor Political 463
Local Schools Directory 465
Church News 466
Chicago District Assembly 471
Eastern Canada District Assembly 471
Charter Day 471
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 471
November 1963
No. 11
Reception of the Lord's Mercy
A Sermon on Psalm 107: 8 Elmo C. Acton 473
A Talk to Children George de Charms 478
W. Cairns Henderson 481
Our New Church Vocabulary 487
48th British Assembly
Report of Proceedings Frank S. Rose 488
General Church Educational Council
Report of Proceedings Carl Gunther 492
The Confession of the Celestial Church Colin M. Greenhalgh 494
In Our Contemporaries 497
Swedenborg's First Rule of Life Sydney B. Childs 498
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 501
Editorial Department
It is Good to Give Thanks 503
Providence, Man and Democracy 504
The Values in Security 504
Eternal Life 505
Church News
Eastern Canada District Assembly - November 8-10, 1963 511
Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths 511
December 1963
No. 12
From Nazareth to Bethlehem
A Sermon on Luke 2: 4, 5 Geoffrey H. Howard 513
The Heavenly Host
A Talk to Children Ormond Odhner 519
The Understanding of the Word
Address at British Assembly Erik Sandstrom 522
Our New Church Vocabulary 530
A Charter Day Address Robert S. Junge 532
Charter Day Banquet Addresses
Teachers in Training Nancy H. Woodard 537
Ministers in the Making W. Cairns Henderson 541
Educators in a Continuing Quest Martin Pryke 544
In Memoriam: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Elmo C. Acton 550
Notes on the Calendar Readings Frederick L. Schnarr 552
Mary Lou and Johnny Lyris Hyatt 555
Editorial Department
A Sign Unto You 557
The Unity of God 558
Facing Both Ways 559
Directory of the General Church 560
Church News 567
Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths 575
Annual Council Meetings: January 27-February 1, 1964 576
January 1963
No. 1
"Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain." John 5: 16.
The love of God is infinite. It goes forth in equal measure to all men, and is never withdrawn from any one. All the judgments of the Lord are just, and His tender mercies are over all His works. That this must be true, all men instinctively acknowledge. Yet both in the literal Scriptures and in all human experience there is a strong appearance of injustice, as if God arbitrarily gave Divine protection to some and withheld it from others.
For instance, concerning the Jewish nation it is said: "Thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth."* In Isaiah, we read: "I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of My mountains: and Mine elect shall inherit it, and My servants shall dwell there."** In Matthew, the promise is given concerning the Lord at His second coming: "He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."*** And in speaking to His disciples, the Lord said: "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain."****
* Deuteronomy 7: 6.
** Chap. 65: 9.
*** Chap 24: 31.
**** John 15: 16.
From these and many similar passages there has arisen the doctrine of predestination; namely, that some human beings have been created for heaven, and others for hell. It has been taken for granted that some enjoy the protection of a special providence which is denied to others. If this were true, it would follow that salvation is an arbitrary act of Divine will, over which man has no control, and that only those who have been chosen by the Lord will be saved, and all others will inevitably be condemned. Yet to suppose that God could create any one for eternal suffering, while providing everlasting happiness for others, is to ascribe to Him unimaginable cruelty and injustice.
All human experience does indeed testify that the gifts with which men are endowed by the Lord are by no means equal. Some enjoy material, physical and mental advantages far greater than those of others. Native talents and abilities are individual to each one, and are infinitely various. They are predetermined by the Divine Creator, and they cannot be altered in the least degree. Men may or may not develop the gifts they receive from the Lord, but they cannot change them. Taken all together, they constitute the personality which distinguishes each one from all others.
Furthermore, it is obvious that there is great inequality in the opportunity which is afforded to develop whatever abilities a man may have. One who is born and raised among primitive peoples cannot possibly enjoy the benefits of education which are available to those who belong to any of the highly civilized nations of the world. Even among these nations, those who are born in time of war, when educational opportunities are greatly restricted, or under conditions of poverty and want that put higher education beyond their reach, or with physical or mental handicaps that render education difficult or impossible-under all such circumstances men are deprived of opportunities that others enjoy. In all these respects there is the greatest possible inequality among men; and yet it is an eternal truth that all men are equal in the sight of God.
How can this be? Every human being is born with the potential ability to know God, to love Him, to understand His will, and to become conjoined with Him by a life of use in His heavenly kingdom. Every one, from conception, is endowed with a combination of faculties and abilities which is peculiar to himself, which sets him apart from all others, and which enables him to perform a special use for which no one else is equipped. For this use the Lord has chosen him, and ordained him. For the protection of this use the Lord watches over him from the first moment of his birth even to eternity, with a very special providence. The Divine end in view is a heaven from the human race, and heaven is a kingdom of uses which are infinitely various, and for each of which a human being is specifically created. Every one, therefore, is predestined for heaven, and indeed for a particular use in heaven.
Whatever restrictions may prevent the performance of this use during the life of the body, every one is given the opportunity after death to develop his God-given faculties, to enter by means of them upon the use for which he was created, and to progress in that use with ever-increasing joy and happiness to all eternity, just as far as he is willing to do so. In this respect all men are equal in the sight of God. And because both this ability and this opportunity are free Divine gifts which no man could possibly have acquired for himself, that which the Lord said of His disciples is equally true of all men: "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain."
Furthermore, all men are equal in this, that they are endowed with freedom of choice in regard to spiritual things. Whatever restrictions a man's environment may impose upon him, every one is free within himself to think and to will in favor of what he believes to be true and right, or, instead, to disregard this in order to satisfy some ambition for self-advancement or worldly gain. This freedom may be inhibited for a time by physical illness, by injury to the brain, or by violent passion that deprives one of all reason. It may be inhibited for an entire lifetime by mental retardation, or by various forms of insanity; but all of these are temporary and external restrictions that can prevent the exercise of spiritual freedom for a time, but cannot permanently injure or destroy it. As soon as these restrictions are removed, freedom is restored; and they will be removed, if not during the life of the body, at least after death, when the spirit of man is released from all external and worldly bonds. However long it may lie dormant, the Divine gift of rationality and liberty, which is the very human itself, the image and likeness of God with man is secretly protected by the Lord so that nothing but his own deliberate choice can deprive any man of the eternal happiness and the heavenly use for which he was created. In this respect all men are equal; all men are blessed in equal measure with the merciful love and protection of their Heavenly Father.
Nevertheless, because every individual is created for a distinctly different use, because he is endowed with a different combination of faculties and abilities, and because the circumstances and conditions of life into which he is born are extremely various, the Lord's providence is not the same for all men. It is infinitely adapted to the particular needs of each one, having regard to the preservation of his spiritual freedom, and to the protection of his opportunity to enter at last upon the particular heavenly use for which he has been Divinely predestined.
In this sense there is a special providence watching over each one; not that the Lord favors one more than another, not that He elects to save some and refuses salvation to others, but because He strives for the salvation of each one in a different way-in a way made necessary by the individual gifts and by the special circumstances that set each person apart from all others.
By the "elect," then, who at the Lord's second coming are to be gathered "from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other," are meant all those, wherever they may be in the whole world, who in simplicity and innocence of heart live according to the best they know, and abide by whatever they believe to be the will and the law of God. To these the Lord referred when He said, in His prayer to the Father: "Those that Thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition."* However primitive their faith may be, however mistaken their idea as to the nature of God and the laws of His kingdom, because they are willing to be taught, they all can be brought at last to know the Lord truly, to understand His Word, and to keep His Divine law. Only those who deliberately refuse this opportunity when it is presented to them close the gates of heaven against themselves and persist in the life of evil.
* John 17: 12
Furthermore, those are called "the elect" who, during the life of the body, can be led in freedom to receive the Lord, to accept instruction from His Word, and from it to form the conscience by which they live. It was because the sons of Israel were willing to worship Jehovah, to obey the laws promulgated from Mount Sinai, and to keep the judgments and the statutes of the Mosaic law, that it could be said of them: "Thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth." This was not because the Lord loved them more than others, but because they were willing to perform, at least for a time, a most important and essential use; namely, the use of representing the true church, the kingdom of God with men; and, so doing, to prepare the way for the Lord Himself to come into the world as the Savior and Redeemer of the human race. To the degree in which they performed this use, and as long as they continued to do so, their nation was protected by a special providence; but when they failed to do so, this protection was withdrawn; they were overcome by their enemies, and were carried away into captivity. What was true of the Jewish and Israelitish nation is true of all who are willing to receive the Lord at His coming, to search out the truth of His Word, and to live according to its teaching. Of such as these the true church consists. But no one can come into the church who has not been prepared for it, in a thousand secret ways, by the Divine Providence. Unless the Lord had directed his steps and opened the way for him to discover the true meaning of His Word, and had thus given him the opportunity to enter into His kingdom, no one could become a member of His church.
That is what the Lord meant when He said: "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain." This is not because the Lord loves the people of His church more than others; it is not because they are better or more worthy than others. It is because they could be led willingly to perform a very special use, because they could be prepared freely during the life of the body to serve the Lord in the great task of establishing His kingdom among men. In spite of this fact, they have inherited the same tendency to evil that is common to all men. Unless these evils are overcome they cannot be saved. Indeed, entrance into the church brings to light evils of which others are mercifully unaware-deeper, more malevolent evils that induce severer temptations than others are called upon to meet. The church brings with it spiritual responsibilities that must be met, because only as they are met can the members of the church be regenerated and saved. But in the degree that they will earnestly endeavor to fulfill the requirements of the special use upon which they have entered, the Lord will sustain them and give them power to achieve the victory in temptation, for He "is ever mindful of His covenant,"* and guards with infinite care the spiritual life of all who take up their cross to follow Him.
* Psalm 111: 5.
Only those who are willing "to follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth"* can truly belong to the church of the Lord. Nevertheless, their entrance into the church is ever made possible by Divine selection. Their continuance in it, and their progress in regeneration, are ever the result of a special providence for which they owe a debt of profound gratitude. That they may enter into it more interiorly and learn to perform its use more perfectly should be the continual prayer of their lives; a prayer in which there is nothing of pride, nothing of contempt for others, nothing but profound humility, together with thankfulness and praise to the Lord for His infinite mercy in setting their feet upon the only path that can lead to their salvation. They must acknowledge that the church is not their own but is a Divine and miraculous gift from the Lord; and they must love to have it so, knowing that the Lord referred to them when He said: "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain." Amen.
* Revelation 14: 4.
LESSONS: John 15: 8-27. DP 322.
MUSIC: Liturgy, pages 467, 440, 484. Psalmody, page 48.
PRAYERS: Liturgy, nos. 29, 106.