Arcana Coelestia # 8053

Napsal(a) Emanuel Swedenborg

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8053. ‘In mense Abib’: quod significet principium status novi, constat ex significatione ‘mensis’ quod sit finis status prioris et principium 1 sequentis, ita etiam status novus, de qua n. 3814; quod ‘mensis Abib’ sit principium a quo omnes status sequentes, patet ab illis quae de hoc mense 2 dicuntur in capite praecedente, nempe, Mensis luc vobis caput mensium, primus hic vobis mensibus anni, vers. 2, videatur n. 7827, 7828.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The editors of the third Latin edition made a minor correction here. For details, see the end of the appropriate volume of that edition.

2. The editors of the third Latin edition made a minor correction here. For details, see the end of the appropriate volume of that edition.

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This is the Third Latin Edition, published by the Swedenborg Society, in London, between 1949 and 1973.