Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation)

Toto je překlad: Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide od Swedenborg, Emanuel

Přeloženo do English


Is faith alone really workable? In this work Swedenborg argues carefully and convincingly that it isn't. He describes what faith is, how we work to develop it, and how it must be conjoined with charity, i.e. love to the neighbor, to be real faith.

O tomto překladu:

Is faith alone workable? No. In this work Swedenborg argues carefully and convincingly that it isn't. He describes what faith is, how we work to develop it, and how it must be conjoined with charity, i.e. love to the neighbor, to be real faith.

Datum vytvoření: 2014

Kredit: Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

Autorská práva: General Church of the New Jerusalem

Copyright General Church of the New Jerusalem. All rights reserved.

Licence: Used with permission - viz podmínky

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Doporučená citace:

Doctrine of Faith. Translated. Retrieved from:
