Explorans sensum Ioannis 13

Toto je překlad: Exploring the Meaning of John 13 od Ray and Star Silverman

strojově přeloženo do Latina


Exploring the Meaning of John 13

O tomto překladu:

In Ioannis Evangelium non solum peccatum agnoscit et veritatem discit, sed etiam quod in vita didicerimus. Ioannes XIII hunc "lavare" processum in claram lucem producit - nunc ab nostris mentibus et cordibus exterioribus in nostras actiones movens.

Datum vytvoření: 2023

Kredit: New Christian Bible Study machine translation team.

Autorská práva: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

All rights reserved.

Licence: Copyright by New Christian Bible Study Corp. - viz podmínky

O: This is a machine translation of the original content. The translation text was generated using either Google's or DeepL's translation services, depending on the language it's in.

Doporučená citace:

Explorans sensum Ioannis 13. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
