1 βασιλιάδες 22:32



32 Και ως ειδον οι αμαξαρχαι τον Ιωσαφατ, τοτε αυτοι ειπον, Βεβαιως ουτος ειναι ο βασιλευς του Ισραηλ. Και περιεστραφησαν δια να πολεμησωσιν αυτον· αλλ' ο Ιωσαφατ ανεβοησεν.

Kommentar zu diesem Vers  

Durch Henry MacLagan

Verse 32. And therefore those who are in truth from goodness, on account of their manifest intention and profession, being externally associated with the corrupted church, are affected by this association, and suffer distress and temptation from and through opposing evils and falsities.