On your marks, get set, GO!

Das ist der Originaltext: On your marks, get set, GO! von New Christian Bible Study Staff


Stuck? Becalmed? Well... it happens. But you can probably do something to get yourself ready to receive what the Lord wants to give to you.

Erstellt oder übersetzt von: New Christian Bible Study Staff

Erstelldatum: 2023

Kredit/Anerkennung: This article is by the New Christian Bible Study editorial staff and volunteers.

Urheberrecht: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

Copyright by the New Christian Bible Study Corp. All rights reserved.

Lizenz: Copyright by New Christian Bible Study Corp. - Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Empfohlene Zitierweise:

On your marks, get set, GO!. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
