Apocalypse Explained #492

Por Emanuel Swedenborg

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492. And there was given unto him much incense, signifies truths in abundance. This is evident from the signification of "incense," as being the truths of spiritual good; also from the signification of "much," as being an abundance of truths, for "multitude" is predicated in the Word of truths, and "magnitude" of good. "Incense" signifies truths, because the offerings of incense represented worship from spiritual good, and "frankincense" signified that good, as was shown in the article above; therefore "incense-offerings" of frankincense represented what proceeds from that good, and truths are what proceed from that good; for truths are what that good, that is, what man from that good, thinks and speaks. Moreover, spiritual good is formed in man by means of truths; for truth becomes spiritual good with man when he lives according to it (See above, n. 458; thus spiritual good is in its essence truth (See also above, n. 376. But offerings of incense and their signification have been further treated of above n. 324, which see.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.