Arcana Coelestia #6851

Por Emanuel Swedenborg

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6851. 'And Jehovah said, I have indeed seen the affliction of My people means the mercy shown towards those who belonged to the spiritual Church after molestations by falsities. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' in the historical narratives of the Word as perception, dealt with often, though when used in reference to Jehovah or the Lord 'saying' does not mean perception but omniscience, since the Lord has from eternity a perception and knowledge of every single thing; from the meaning of 'indeed seeing', when used in reference to Jehovah or the Lord, as mercy, for when the Lord sees someone in distress or suffering affliction He has compassion on him (the Lord, it is true, sees everyone and so has compassion on everyone; yet it cannot really be said of any apart from those who accept His mercy, namely those governed by good, that He has compassion on them); from the meaning of 'affliction' as molestation, 6663, here by falsities since the affliction came from the Egyptians, by whom false factual knowledge is meant, 6651, 6679, 6683; and from the meaning of 'people' as those who belong to the spiritual Church, dealt with in 2928 (those who belong to the celestial Church are referred to in the Word as 'a nation').

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.