Arcana Coelestia #7604

Por Emanuel Swedenborg

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7604. 'For the barley was a ripening ear, and the flax a stem' means that that good and truth were conspicuous and looked downwards. This is clear from the meaning of 'the barley' and 'the flax' as the good and truth of the exterior natural, dealt with just above in 7601, 7602; and from the meaning of 'a ripening ear' and also 'a stem' as the fact that they were conspicuous, for the next verse says of 'the wheat and the spelt' that 'they were hidden', that is, were not conspicuous. The former are mature; the crop now stands out in the ear and on the stem, so that it is ready to fall. This means in the spiritual sense, which has to do with the good of faith and charity, that they looked downwards. The nature of all this is evident from what has been stated above in 7601. The reason why with those who are evil the forms of good and the truths in the exterior natural are looking downwards is that they exist together there with falsities and evils, and have become attached to them. All evils and falsities look downwards, that is, outwards towards the earth and the world, and therefore the forms of good and the truths attached to them do so too; for the evils and falsities drag them along by misapplying them. These forms of good and truths are ones that are laid waste with the evil. For if they were not laid waste the forms of good and the truths which have been stored away and placed in safe keeping by the Lord in the interior natural would come in, join themselves to those in the exterior natural, and so make one with them. Then they too would be bent downwards and so perish. Man is distinguished from animals by his being able to look upwards, that is, towards what is Divine. Without that ability man would be the same as a beast; for a beast can look only downwards. From this one may see why the forms of good and the truths which with those who are evil look downwards are taken away from them, and why, when they have been taken away, there is an end of communication with the interiors where forms of good and truths have been stored away and placed in safe keeping by the Lord for [future] use.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.