Arcana Coelestia #6370

Por Emanuel Swedenborg

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6370. 'Who will rouse him?' means that he is safe when among all those in the hells. This is clear from the meaning of 'who will rouse?' as being safe. The reason why among all those in the hells is meant is that he is safe when among all kinds of evil, even when in the midst of the hells. Love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour hold such safety, for the reason that people governed by that love are those who are joined most closely to the Lord; and they abide in the Lord because they abide in what is Divine going forth from Him. That is why no evil can touch them. It should be recognized that the countless hells are distinct and separate from one another, in keeping with the genera of all the evils and derivative falsities that exist, and with the species making up those genera, and with the individual members making up those species. Also, in each hell order exists, and that order is preserved both directly by the Lord and indirectly through celestial angels. Sometimes angels are also sent into the hells to restore to order things which have got out of order; and while they are there they are quite safe. This is what is meant when it is said that one with whom what is celestial exists is safe when among all those in the hells.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.