Conjugial Love #85

Por Emanuel Swedenborg

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85. So, then, since the Lord God the Creator is love itself and wisdom itself, and the universe was created by Him, being in consequence a work, so to speak, issuing from Him, it must be that in each and every created thing there is some goodness and truth from Him. For whatever is accomplished by and issues from anyone, derives from him a character similar to his.

Reason can also see that this is so from the order which each and every thing in the universe was created in, in which one thing exists for the sake of another, and in which one thing therefore depends on another, like the links in a chain. For all things exist for the sake of the human race, that from it may come the angelic heaven by which creation returns to the Creator, its source. From this comes the conjunction of the created universe with its Creator, and by that conjunction its everlasting preservation.

That is why we say that goodness and truth are universal in creation. The fact of this is evident to everyone who considers it reasonably. In every created thing he sees something that relates to good and something that relates to truth.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.