Esta es la traducción de: De Commercio Animae et Corporis by Swedenborg, Emanuel
Traducido al Deutsch
How do the spiritual and natural worlds interact? How does the soul interact with the body? This was an interesting question in Swedenborg's time (and it still is), and he became one of the top neuroscientists of his day as he explored it. In this short work he presents an explanation, primarily from a theological perspective, but informed by his study of the brain.
Acerca de esta traducción:
Wie interagiert die Seele mit dem Körper? Swedenborg war Theologe UND einer der führenden Neurowissenschaftler seiner Zeit. Hier ist, was er dazu zu sagen hatte.
Fecha de creación: 2019
Reconocimiento: Many thanks to Swedenborg Verlag for their permission to use this translation.
Derechos de autor: Swedenborg-Verlag, Zürich
All rights reserved.
Licencia: Used with permission - Ver términos
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