Arcana Coelestia #7123

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Study this Passage

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7123. Verses 10-13 And the taskmasters of the people and their officers went out and said to the people - they said, Thus said Pharaoh, By no means do I give you straw. Go yourselves, get yourselves straw from where you will find it, for there will be no reduction at all of your service. And the people scattered themselves into all the land of Egypt to gather stubble for straw. And the taskmasters were urgent, saying, Finish your work, 1 your stint for the day, 2 as when there was straw.

'And the taskmasters of the people and their officers went out' means the sending out and presence of those in the nearest position to molest and those in the nearest position to receive. 'And said to the people - they said' means perception. 'Thus said Pharaoh' means regarding the molestations. 'By no means do I give you straw' means that the most general factual knowledge was no longer made available from that source. 'Go yourselves, get yourselves straw from where you will find it' means that they should acquire that knowledge from wherever else they could. 'For there will be no reduction at all of your service' means that the introduction of falsities will go on undiminished. 'And the people scattered themselves into all the land of Egypt' means that they spread their natural mind in all directions. 'To gather stubble for straw' means to find some true factual knowledge. 'And the taskmasters were urgent' means that those in the nearest position to molest were insistent. 'Saying, Finish your work, your stint for the day' means that they should serve falsities so called in every state. 'As when there was straw' means as they had served their truths so called.


1. literally, works

2. literally, a matter of a day in his day

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.