This is the original text of: Explanation of Numbers 32:29, by Henry MacLagan
Explanation of Numbers 32:29
Created or translated by: Henry MacLagan
Date of creation: 1913
Credit: Many thanks to Dr. Ian Thompson,, for permission to use the scanned text of this work. The work is entitled: THE BOOK OF NUMBERS. The original author was Rev. Henry MacLagan.
License: Used with permission - see terms
About: The full title was: "The Book of Numbers Interpreted and Explained according to its Spiritual or Internal Sense, with Copious References to the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, Explanatory Notes and a Commentary", by the Rev. Henry Maclagan. London: James Speirs, 1913.
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Publication data:
Published: 1913 in London by JAMES SPEIRS 1 BLOOMSBURY STREET, LONDON as part of 'Book of Numbers Interpreted & Explained According to Its Spiritual Or Internal Sense
Published under the name: Book of Numbers Interpreted & Explained According to Its Spiritual Or Internal Sense
596 pages