Op je plaatsen, klaar, GO!

This is a translation of: On your marks, get set, GO!, by New Christian Bible Study Staff

machine translated into Nederlands


Vastgelopen? Becalmed? Tja... dat kan gebeuren. Maar je kunt waarschijnlijk wel iets doen om jezelf klaar te maken om te ontvangen wat de Heer je wil geven.

Date of creation: 2023

Credit: New Christian Bible Study machine translation team.

Copyright: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

All rights reserved.

License: Copyright by New Christian Bible Study Corp. - see terms

About: This is a machine translation of the original content. The translation text was generated using either Google's or DeepL's translation services, depending on the language it's in.

Suggested Citation:

Op je plaatsen, klaar, GO!. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
