True Christian Religion #794

By Emanuel Swedenborg

Study this Passage

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794. As a result of what I have seen over so many years I can report as follows. The spiritual world contains countries just as the natural world does; there are plains and valleys there, mountains and hills, springs and rivers. There are parklands, gardens, woods and forests, There are cities containing palaces and houses. There is writing there and there are books. There are administrative offices and businesses. There is gold and silver, as well as precious stones. In short, every single thing to be found in the natural world exists there too, but those in heaven are immeasurably more perfect. But there is the difference that everything to be seen in the spiritual world is created instantly by the Lord, as for instance are the houses, parklands, food and so on. These are created to correspond to the interiors of angels and spirits, that is, to their affections and the thoughts that spring from them. Everything, however, which is to be seen in the natural world comes into being from seed and so develops.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.