Arcana Coelestia #1091

Par Emanuel Swedenborg

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1091. 'What his younger son had done to him' means that external worship separated from internal is such as mocks. From the sense of the letter, which is the historical sense, 'younger son' seems to mean Ham, but from the verse following it is clear that Canaan is meant, for the phrase 'Cursed be Canaan' is used. And in the subsequent verses 26-27, it is said that 'Canaan will be a slave'. The reason why nothing is mentioned concerning Ham may be seen in the following verse. All that need be mentioned here is why Shem is named first, Ham second, Japheth third, and Canaan fourth. Charity, meant by Shem, is the first thing of the Church; faith, meant by Ham, is the second; worship arising from charity, meant by Japheth, is the third; and worship in external things devoid of faith and charity, meant by Canaan, is the fourth. Charity is the brother of faith, and so too is worship arising from charity. But worship in external things devoid of charity is 'a slave of slaves'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.