真(ほんとう)のキリスト教 (長島達也翻訳)

Ceci est une traduction de: Vera Christiana Religio by Swedenborg, Emanuel

Traduit en 日本語


True Christian Religion is a forceful work of systematic theology offering a thorough treatment of the fundamental doctrines of the New Church including the Lord, the Ten Commandments, Faith, Charity, Repentance, Reformation, Regeneration, Holy Supper, Baptism, and the Second Coming. It was published in 1770 and constitutes a summing up and tying together of many of the key elements of new Christian thought.

À propos de cette traduction:


Date de création: 2002

Crédit: Many thanks to Arcana Press for their permission to use this translation online.

Droit d'auteur: Arcana Press

All rights reserved by the publisher.

Licence: Used with permission - Voir les conditions

Obtenu à partir de: https://arcanapress.com/

Citation suggérée:

真(ほんとう)のキリスト教. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
