白马 #0

द्वारा इमानुएल स्वीडनबोर्ग

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

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白马 1



圣言及其灵义或内义 (1-5)

圣言的必要及卓越 (6)

受启者外,圣言无可理解 (7)

凭借圣言而来的教义外,圣言无可理解 (8)

圣言里有灵义,被称为内义 (9)

圣言内义特为天使所设,也为世人所设 (10)

圣言内义或灵义里,有无尽奥秘 (11)

圣言以对应写成,因而作以表征 (12)

圣言的字义或外义 (13)

主是圣言 (14)

圣言之书 (15)

那些与圣言作对的人 (16)

关于圣言的进一步细节 (17)

अनुवादक के नोट्स या फ़ुटनोट::

1. This work was originally published in Latin. It's been translated into many languages. One English translation uses this title, "The White Horse in Revelation 19, with Particulars respecting the Word and Its Spiritual or Internal Sense, Extracted from Arcana Coelestia". This Chinese translation is provided by SwedenborgStudy.org, 2019.12. 史威登堡研究中心

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)