Exinanition - what is that?

यह मूल पाठ है: Exinanition - what is that?, by New Christian Bible Study Staff, John Odhner


Exinanition is a seldom-used word that means "emptying out" or "taking away." It can be used to describe some of the states of mind that the Lord experienced during his life on earth, when He felt separated from the Divine. We go through states like this, too, in our lives, when we feel doubt, emptiness, and disconnectedness.

द्वारा निर्मित या अनुवादित: New Christian Bible Study Staff, John Odhner

निर्माण की तारीख: 2017

श्रेय: New Christian Bible Study Staff

कॉपीराइट: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

Copyright by the New Christian Bible Study Corp. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

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Exinanition - what is that?. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
