Heaven and Hell #217

द्वारा इमानुएल स्वीडनबोर्ग

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217. In the Lord's spiritual kingdom there are various forms of government, not the same in one community as in another but varying depending on the functions the communities fulfill. Their functions parallel those of the human [body], to which they correspond; and the variety of these is well known. The heart has one function, the lungs another, the liver another, the pancreas and spleen others, and so also for each sensory organ. Just as we have these various services going on in our bodies, so services are carried on in the universal human that is heaven, since it is its communities that correspond to them. (The reader may see in the appropriate chapter above, 87-102, that everything in heaven corresponds to something in us.)

Still, all the forms of government share a central focus on the public good as their end, and within that good, the good of each individual. 1 This is because everyone in all heaven is under the guidance of the Lord, who loves everyone and who from his divine love arranges things so that it is the common good from which individuals receive what is good for them. Each individual receives benefit in proportion to his or her love of the whole, for to the extent that they love the whole they love all the individuals. Since this love is the Lord's they are proportionally loved by the Lord and are benefited.


1. [Swedenborg's footnote] Every individual and community, including the country and the church and in a universal sense the Lord's kingdom, is our neighbor; and supporting them out of a love for their welfare, in keeping with the quality of their state, is "loving our neighbor;" so their welfare (which is the common good that is to be of primary concern) is our neighbor: 6818-6824, 8123. Further, civic good, which is what is just, is our neighbor: 2915, 4730, 8120-8123. So charity toward our neighbor reaches out to every single detail of our lives; and to love what is good and do what is good out of a love for what is good and true, to do what is just out of a love for what is just in every role and action is to love our neighbor: 2417, 8121-8124.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.