The Inner Meaning of the Prophets and Psalms #124

द्वारा इमानुएल स्वीडनबोर्ग
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124. Internal Meaning of Ezekiel, Chapter 1(1)

1-3 Prophecy concerning the Lord in respect to the Word. (10)

4 The Divine external sphere of the Word. (10)

5 A representative of it as a man. (10)

6 Conjunction of celestial and spiritual things there. (10, 3)

7 The quality of the natural of the Word. (10)

8-9 Its spiritual and celestial which are conjoined. (10)

10-11 The love of spiritual good and truth, and the love of natural good and truth; their distinction and oneness. (10)

12 The turning or looking of all toward one. (10)

13-14 The sphere of the Word from Divine good and Divine truth, from which is the life of the Word. (10)

15-21 The doctrine of good and truth acting in unity with the Word. (10)

22-23 The Divine above and in the Word. (10, 2)

24-25 It is Divine truth [verum], and its influx. (10)

26 The Lord above the heavens. (10)

27-28 The Divine love and the Divine truth [veritas] pertaining to Him. (10)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.