The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings #194

द्वारा इमानुएल स्वीडनबोर्ग

इस मार्ग का अध्ययन करें

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194. Crises of the spirit help goodness in us gain control over evil and truth gain control over falsity. They help reinforce truths and join them to goodness and at the same time shatter evils and the falsities that arise from them. They also serve to open our inner, spiritual self and bring our earthly self under its control, break up our love for ourselves and for the world, and tame the cravings that arise from them.

Once this has been done, we come into enlightenment and gain a perception of what is true and what is good, and of what is false and what is evil. This gives us intelligence and wisdom, which then keep growing day by day.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.