6324. Spirits who spend much of their time reasoning in the next life have little perception as to what is true or good and therefore cannot be admitted into the more internal angelic communities, for no intelligence at all can be imparted to them there. They have also been given to reasoning among themselves about the idea that every thought or affection anyone has flows into him, saying that if this idea were true, then no one could be found guilty or pay the price for any offence. But they were told in reply that if a person were to believe as things really are, which is that everything good and true comes from the Lord and everything evil and false from hell, he could not have been found guilty of any offence or had evil ascribed to himself. But because he believes that it begins in himself he takes evil as his own; for his belief causes this to happen. Thus evil clings and cannot be separated from him. Indeed the person's nature is such that he would be indignant if anyone told him that his thoughts and desires came from others and did not begin in himself.
चरण 56: If a person believed as the case really is. . .he could not become guilty of any evil (continued)
Arcana Coelestia #6324
द्वारा इमानुएल स्वीडनबोर्ग