The Animal Kingdom, Considered Anatomically, Physically, and Philosophically #328

Da Emanuel Swedenborg

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328. The first department of all, or that of Chylification, is assigned to the stomach, and to the small and large intestines; and that of lustrating and refining the chyle, to the liver. The second, or that of Sanguification, is assigned to the mesentery, the thoracic duct, and again to the liver. These members introduce the chyle as a bride into the bed of her husband, that is, into the veins, and to the blood; in order that it may he inaugurated, copulated, and itself made into blood. The third department, or that of Purification, is committed to the pancreas, the spleen, and here again, to the liver, which correct the blood of a middle quality, reduce it into salivary juices, and restore it to the chylopoietic organs, that is, to the intestines. But the worthless serum is committed to the kidneys and urinary bladder; and the corresponding blood, to the gall-bladder, and to the intestines; and they excrete and eliminate it. Thus each member of the abdomen contributes in some respect to the generation and regeneration of the blood, and each in its place, and by its office, takes part in the everlasting circle. Hence all their regards are directed to the blood, which is the common object of the abdominal viscera.

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