Апокалипсис открытый (Возовик)

Questa è una traduzione di: 1000_ da Swedenborg, Emanuel

Tradotto in Pyccĸий


This is a detailed explanation of the inner meaning of the "Apocalypse," or the "Book of Revelation." Swedenborg goes through it, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. The visions described by John were spiritual events - not natural ones - but all the more important for that. The false ideas and evil loves that got embedded in the Christian church had to be expunged, so a true understanding of the Bible and a new set of ideas drawn from it could lead to a new Christian religion with truer faith and real charity.

A proposito di questa traduzione:

Это детальное объяснение внутреннего смысла видений Иоанна, как он описал их в "Откровении" или "Апокалипсисе".

Data di creazione: 2002

Credito: Thanks to newchurch.ru for their permission to use this translation on our site.

Licenza: Used with permission - vedi termini

Ottenuto da: https://newchurch.ru

Citazione suggerita:

Апокалипсис открытый. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
